penis rupt
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penis rupt
scris pe 12 nov 2004 13:49 de marco
se poate rupe penisul, sau fractura ?
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Veteran member 322 mesaje
Re: penis rupt
scris pe 12 nov 2004 15:08 de bebe
se poate rupe penisul, sau fractura ?
Cine a scris asta, la un subiect asemenea cu acesta. Nu tu?
Treatment of Penis Fracture
Advice should be sought quickly. Key elements in treating a fractured penis are:
pain relief
ice packs (always cover with a cloth before applying to skin)
anti-inflammatory drugs.
This regime has satisfactory results in about 80 per cent of patients but in the rest, residual pain and deformity may lead to difficulty with sex. These patients need a urethrogram (a test that shows whether the urethral tube is intact) to exclude urethral damage. If the urethra is not damaged, any collection of blood (haematoma) is drained and repair is carried out to the damaged corpora and tunica. One report of a series of 17 repairs showed that after surgery all patients had painless erections and comfortable sex; only two patients were left with angulation ('bent' penis). Urethral injuries should always be repaired but urethral stricture (narrowing) occurs long term in up to 20 per cent of men after surgery.

Sexul e ca un leac.
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