C parere aveti despre profetiile idioatei de Baba?

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4400 mesaje

C parere aveti despre profetiile idioatei de Baba?

scris pe 9 nov 2010 11:55 de simosimina

2010 – World War III. War will begin in November 2010 and end in October 2014. Will begin as usual, then nuclear will be used initially, and then chemical weapons.
2011 – As a result of the fallout of nuclear fallout in the northern hemisphere will not be any animals or vegetation. Then Muslims will wage war against chemical surviving Europeans.
2014 – Most people will suffer skin cancer and other skin diseases (a consequence of chemical warfare).
2016 – Europe almost lonely (empty).
2018 – New China becomes a world power. Developing countries in turn operated from exploiters.
2023 – A little bit of change in the Earth’s orbit.
2025 – Europe still little settled.
2028 – Creating a new energy source (probably a controlled thermonuclear reaction). Hunger is gradually being overcome. Launched a manned spacecraft to Venus.
2033 – The polar ice are melting. Greater levels of the oceans.
2043 – The world economy is thriving. In Europe, Muslims rule.
2046 – any bodies (organs) can be manufactured (cloning?). Replacing the bodies is becoming one of the best methods of treatment.
2066 – During the attack on the Muslim Rome, the United States used a new kind of weapon – the climate. The sharp cooling (instant freezing).
2076 – Classless Society (communism).
2084 – The restoration of nature.
2088 – A new disease – aging for a few seconds!
2097 – The rapid aging defeated.
2100 – Artificial sun illuminates the dark side of the Earth.
2111 – People become living robots.
2123 – The war between small nations. Big nations do not intervene.
2125 – Hungary will receive signals from space.
2130 – Colony under water (with the help of sympathetic councils).
2164 – Animals turn half-human.
2167 – A new religion.
2170 – Major drought.
2183 – A colony on Mars becomes a nuclear power, and demands independence from the Earth (like when – the United States from England).
2187 – Will stop 2 large eruption of volcanoes.
2195 – Sea Colony fully developed, abundant energy and food.
2196 – Complete mixing of Asians and Europeans.
2201 – At the Sun slowing thermonuclear processes. Temperature drops.
2221 – In the search for extraterrestrial life, humanity comes into contact with what – something terrible.
2256 – Spacecraft forgotten to Earth terrible new disease.
2262 – Planets gradually changing planetary orbit. Mars is threatened by comets.
2271 – Restart physical constants are changed. (Laws of physics changed?)
2273 – Mixing yellow, white and black races. New race.
2279 – Power from nothing (probably from a vacuum or a black hole).
2288 – Travel back in time (Time Travel invented?). New contacts with aliens.
2291 – The sun cools. Attempts were being made to light it again.
2296 – Powerful eruption on the Sun. Changing the force of gravity. Beginning to fall old space stations and satellites.
2299 – In France, guerrilla movement against Islam.
2302 – New important laws and secrets of the universe revealed.
2304 – Secrets of the Moon revealed.
2341 – Something terrible is approaching Earth from space.
2354 – An accident in one of the artificial Sun leads to drought.
2371 – The great famine.
2378 – A new fast-growing race.
2480 – 2 artificial Suns collide. Land in the twilight.
3005 -The war on Mars. Violated the trajectory of the planet.
3010 – Comet hits Moon. Around the Earth – ring/zone of the stones and dust.
3797 – By this time on Earth killed all life, but mankind will be able to lay the foundations for a new life in another stellar system.
3803 – A new planet is populated by little. Fewer contacts between people. Climate new planet affects the organisms of people – they mutate.
3805 – The war between humans for resources. More than half of people dying out.
3815 – The war is over.
3854 – The development of civilization virtually stops. People live flocks as beasts.
3871 – New prophet tells people about moral values, religion.
3874 – New prophet receives support from all segments of the population. Organized a new church.
3878 – along with the Church to re-train new people forgotten sciences.
4302 – New cities are growing in the world. New Church encourages the development of new technology and science.
4302 – The development of science. Scientists discovered in the overall impact of all diseases in organism behavior.
4304 – Found a way to win any disease.
4308 – Due to mutation people at last beginning to use their brains more than 34%. Completely lost the notion of evil and hatred.
4509 – Getting to Know God. The man has finally been reached such a level of development that can communicate with God.
4599 – People achieve immortality.
4674 – The development of civilization has reached its peak. The number of people living on different planets is about 340 billion. Assimilation begins with aliens.
5076 – A boundary universe. With it, no one knows.
5078 – The decision to leave the boundaries of the universe. While about 40 percent of the population is against it.
5079 – End of the World.

“Today’s mighty oak is just yesterday’s nut, that held its ground.”


Expert member
1553 mesaje

Re: C parere aveti despre profetiile idioatei de B

scris pe 9 nov 2010 12:04 de Rolando

2010 – World War III. War will begin in November 2010 and end in October 2014. Will begin as usual, then nuclear will be used initially, and then chemical weapons.
2011 – As a result of the fallout of nuclear fallout in the northern hemisphere will not be any animals or vegetation. Then Muslims will wage war against chemical surviving Europeans.
2014 – Most people will suffer skin cancer and other skin diseases (a consequence of chemical warfare).
2016 – Europe almost lonely (empty).
2018 – New China becomes a world power. Developing countries in turn operated from exploiters.
2023 – A little bit of change in the Earth’s orbit.
2025 – Europe still little settled.
2028 – Creating a new energy source (probably a controlled thermonuclear reaction). Hunger is gradually being overcome. Launched a manned spacecraft to Venus.
2033 – The polar ice are melting. Greater levels of the oceans.
2043 – The world economy is thriving. In Europe, Muslims rule.
2046 – any bodies (organs) can be manufactured (cloning?). Replacing the bodies is becoming one of the best methods of treatment.
2066 – During the attack on the Muslim Rome, the United States used a new kind of weapon – the climate. The sharp cooling (instant freezing).
2076 – Classless Society (communism).
2084 – The restoration of nature.
2088 – A new disease – aging for a few seconds!
2097 – The rapid aging defeated.
2100 – Artificial sun illuminates the dark side of the Earth.
2111 – People become living robots.
2123 – The war between small nations. Big nations do not intervene.
2125 – Hungary will receive signals from space.
2130 – Colony under water (with the help of sympathetic councils).
2164 – Animals turn half-human.
2167 – A new religion.
2170 – Major drought.
2183 – A colony on Mars becomes a nuclear power, and demands independence from the Earth (like when – the United States from England).
2187 – Will stop 2 large eruption of volcanoes.
2195 – Sea Colony fully developed, abundant energy and food.
2196 – Complete mixing of Asians and Europeans.
2201 – At the Sun slowing thermonuclear processes. Temperature drops.
2221 – In the search for extraterrestrial life, humanity comes into contact with what – something terrible.
2256 – Spacecraft forgotten to Earth terrible new disease.
2262 – Planets gradually changing planetary orbit. Mars is threatened by comets.
2271 – Restart physical constants are changed. (Laws of physics changed?)
2273 – Mixing yellow, white and black races. New race.
2279 – Power from nothing (probably from a vacuum or a black hole).
2288 – Travel back in time (Time Travel invented?). New contacts with aliens.
2291 – The sun cools. Attempts were being made to light it again.
2296 – Powerful eruption on the Sun. Changing the force of gravity. Beginning to fall old space stations and satellites.
2299 – In France, guerrilla movement against Islam.
2302 – New important laws and secrets of the universe revealed.
2304 – Secrets of the Moon revealed.
2341 – Something terrible is approaching Earth from space.
2354 – An accident in one of the artificial Sun leads to drought.
2371 – The great famine.
2378 – A new fast-growing race.
2480 – 2 artificial Suns collide. Land in the twilight.
3005 -The war on Mars. Violated the trajectory of the planet.
3010 – Comet hits Moon. Around the Earth – ring/zone of the stones and dust.
3797 – By this time on Earth killed all life, but mankind will be able to lay the foundations for a new life in another stellar system.
3803 – A new planet is populated by little. Fewer contacts between people. Climate new planet affects the organisms of people – they mutate.
3805 – The war between humans for resources. More than half of people dying out.
3815 – The war is over.
3854 – The development of civilization virtually stops. People live flocks as beasts.
3871 – New prophet tells people about moral values, religion.
3874 – New prophet receives support from all segments of the population. Organized a new church.
3878 – along with the Church to re-train new people forgotten sciences.
4302 – New cities are growing in the world. New Church encourages the development of new technology and science.
4302 – The development of science. Scientists discovered in the overall impact of all diseases in organism behavior.
4304 – Found a way to win any disease.
4308 – Due to mutation people at last beginning to use their brains more than 34%. Completely lost the notion of evil and hatred.
4509 – Getting to Know God. The man has finally been reached such a level of development that can communicate with God.
4599 – People achieve immortality.
4674 – The development of civilization has reached its peak. The number of people living on different planets is about 340 billion. Assimilation begins with aliens.
5076 – A boundary universe. With it, no one knows.
5078 – The decision to leave the boundaries of the universe. While about 40 percent of the population is against it.
5079 – End of the World.
ma intereseaza putin spre deloc



Expert member
4400 mesaje

Re: Re: C parere aveti despre profetiile idioatei

scris pe 9 nov 2010 12:12 de simosimina

ma intereseaza putin spre deloc

daca nu ai nici o parere nu trebuia sa scrii

“Today’s mighty oak is just yesterday’s nut, that held its ground.”


Expert member
3081 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: C parere aveti despre profetiile idioa

scris pe 10 nov 2010 05:11 de Bozgoru

o smintita.. locul ei e la OTV.. da cine stie poate apare si ea la OTV-ul bulgarilor..


Junior member
14 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: C parere aveti despre profetiile i

scris pe 10 nov 2010 09:16 de x_y

o smintita.. locul ei e la OTV.. da cine stie poate apare si ea la OTV-ul bulgarilor..
--sa faci pe cineva smintit e ceva grav-antotdeauna fereste-te de a califica pe indiferent cine daca nu-l cunosti--waw--dupa parerea ta cine se uita la OTV este....fii cu luare aminte-eu urmarindu-ti comentariile de mai mult timp te apreciez.--nu vreau comentarii aici. ms.


Expert member
3587 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: C parere aveti despre profetii

scris pe 10 nov 2010 14:19 de McLove

--sa faci pe cineva smintit e ceva grav-antotdeauna fereste-te de a califica pe indiferent cine daca nu-l cunosti--waw--dupa parerea ta cine se uita la OTV este....fii cu luare aminte-eu urmarindu-ti comentariile de mai mult timp te apreciez.--nu vreau comentarii aici. ms.

Esti extraterestru? Vorbesti in codu' Morse de folosesti "-"?

Pacat... nu o sa traiesc atat ca sa vad daca e adevarat ce zice "baba". (cine e asta?)

Cei ce se tem de prafuri, iarbă şi seringi să reţină
Droguri tari ţi se injectează prin timpan şi retină.


Expert member
4400 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: C parere aveti despre prof

scris pe 10 nov 2010 19:18 de simosimina

Esti extraterestru? Vorbesti in codu' Morse de folosesti "-"?

Pacat... nu o sa traiesc atat ca sa vad daca e adevarat ce zice "baba". (cine e asta?)

dupa spusele ei...maine pe 11.11.2010, ar trebui sa inceapa al 3-lea razboi mondial

“Today’s mighty oak is just yesterday’s nut, that held its ground.”


Expert member
3587 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: C parere aveti despre

scris pe 10 nov 2010 19:20 de McLove

dupa spusele ei...maine pe 11.11.2010, ar trebui sa inceapa al 3-lea razboi mondial

Si iar n-am avut timp sa-mi construiesc bunker...

Cei ce se tem de prafuri, iarbă şi seringi să reţină
Droguri tari ţi se injectează prin timpan şi retină.


Expert member
4400 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: C parere aveti des

scris pe 11 nov 2010 00:20 de simosimina

Si iar n-am avut timp sa-mi construiesc bunker...

nici eu...f**k

“Today’s mighty oak is just yesterday’s nut, that held its ground.”


Expert member
1930 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: C parere aveti despre profetii

scris pe 12 nov 2010 07:41 de Psyche

--sa faci pe cineva smintit e ceva grav-antotdeauna fereste-te de a califica pe indiferent cine daca nu-l cunosti--waw--dupa parerea ta cine se uita la OTV este....fii cu luare aminte-eu urmarindu-ti comentariile de mai mult timp te apreciez.--nu vreau comentarii aici. ms.

da,otv-ul e misto. pentru marea masa de oameni,categoria aia multa de .. romani.
daca genul asta de emisiuni se vand,diaconescu le-a dat ce au vrut.
eu o gasesc o porcarie,deasemenea.

Sometimes you just have to roll the dice, man!
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