Hard to get

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Hard to get

scris pe 13 mai 2011 23:45 de ciciloveslaura

Here are ten other instances in which it may appear that a girl is uninterested, but is actually just playing "hard-to-get."

1. If she tells you she's "married."
This is chick-code for "I haven't done it in months, take me now."

2. If you're blocking her path to the bathroom and she says, "Pardon me."
Take away the P, A, R, and N and you have "Do me." It doesn't get much clearer than that. She wants you to join her in stall #3.

3. If she slaps you.
You know what they say: any physical contact is good contact. Be sure to establish a "safe word" beforehand. I recommend "help!"

4. If she insists the bouncers escort you out of the bar.
She wants to get you away from her friends and have you all to herself.

5. If she's eating pretzels.
Wants you to wrap her legs up in knots. Duh.

6. If the email she gives you ends with @prodigy.net.
She wants your junk, not your junk mail. No post-coital conversation required.

7. If she refuses your offer to buy her a drink.
She wants you to buy her dinner instead “ in which case, bail. That's way too much effort when there's probably a girl nearby eating pretzels".

8. If she doesn't answer your phone calls.
She's letting your calls go to voicemail so she can listen to your voice over and over and over again. She horny!

9. If she's buttoning up her jacket and turning her body away from you.
She's teasing you by covering up her heaving bosom.

10. If she pulls you aside and says, "Seriously. You need to stop stalking me. You've been creeping me out all night. I'm about to call the cops."
Wink! It doesn't get much "harder to get" than that.

Unde ești copilărie, cu alaiul tău cu tot...


Expert member
3383 mesaje

Re: Hard to get

scris pe 13 mai 2011 23:51 de dorinda

Here are ten other instances in which it may appear that a girl is uninterested, but is actually just playing "hard-to-get."

1. If she tells you she's "married."
This is chick-code for "I haven't done it in months, take me now."

2. If you're blocking her path to the bathroom and she says, "Pardon me."
Take away the P, A, R, and N and you have "Do me." It doesn't get much clearer than that. She wants you to join her in stall #3.

3. If she slaps you.
You know what they say: any physical contact is good contact. Be sure to establish a "safe word" beforehand. I recommend "help!"

4. If she insists the bouncers escort you out of the bar.
She wants to get you away from her friends and have you all to herself.

5. If she's eating pretzels.
Wants you to wrap her legs up in knots. Duh.

6. If the email she gives you ends with @prodigy.net.
She wants your junk, not your junk mail. No post-coital conversation required.

7. If she refuses your offer to buy her a drink.
She wants you to buy her dinner instead “ in which case, bail. That's way too much effort when there's probably a girl nearby eating pretzels".

8. If she doesn't answer your phone calls.
She's letting your calls go to voicemail so she can listen to your voice over and over and over again. She horny!

9. If she's buttoning up her jacket and turning her body away from you.
She's teasing you by covering up her heaving bosom.

10. If she pulls you aside and says, "Seriously. You need to stop stalking me. You've been creeping me out all night. I'm about to call the cops."
Wink! It doesn't get much "harder to get" than that.

Si traducerea?
La cati copii care nu stiu nici macar limba romana, ai pretentii mari sa citeasca si mai ales sa inteleaga engleza.
Felicitari pentru curaj!


Veteran member
326 mesaje

Re: Re: Hard to get

scris pe 14 mai 2011 00:18 de ciciloveslaura

Si traducerea?
La cati copii care nu stiu nici macar limba romana, ai pretentii mari sa citeasca si mai ales sa inteleaga engleza.
Felicitari pentru curaj!

Eh, noi am trait epoca desenelor animate netraduse. A fost un beneficiu si ala.

Pentru cei care nu inteleg, desiiii sper sa nu fie, imi pare rau.

Unde ești copilărie, cu alaiul tău cu tot...


7 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Hard to get

scris pe 16 mai 2011 01:22 de andr3

Eh, noi am trait epoca desenelor animate netraduse. A fost un beneficiu si ala.

Pentru cei care nu inteleg, desiiii sper sa nu fie, imi pare rau.

chiar ca ai dreptate... la 4-5 ani stiam engleza cat stie sormea acum la 12 ani... si asta numai de la cartoon network

privesc in oglinda si nu stiu ce vad...


Expert member
1423 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Hard to get

scris pe 16 mai 2011 07:32 de ThT

chiar ca ai dreptate... la 4-5 ani stiam engleza cat stie sormea acum la 12 ani... si asta numai de la cartoon network

Jumatate din engleza pe care o stiu e din desenele animate..

Behind my smile is everything you'll never understand!


Expert member
3383 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Hard to get

scris pe 16 mai 2011 16:29 de dorinda

chiar ca ai dreptate... la 4-5 ani stiam engleza cat stie sormea acum la 12 ani... si asta numai de la cartoon network

Eu n-am avut cablu ca sa ma uit pe Cartoon Network decat tarziu, eram deja mare si stiam destula engleza, iar in afara de Tom&Jerry nimic din ce difuzau ei nu-mi placea. Asa ca engleza se poate invata si din alte surse, nu numai desene animate.


Veteran member
305 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Hard to get

scris pe 16 mai 2011 17:36 de SkilleT

chiar ca ai dreptate... la 4-5 ani stiam engleza cat stie sormea acum la 12 ani... si asta numai de la cartoon network
De ce ai id de mess scris la nume?

If you don't like $killet, I'm gonna hit you with a Skillet


Senior member
95 mesaje

Re: Hard to get

scris pe 16 mai 2011 18:39 de Alicethai

2. If you're blocking her path to the bathroom and she says, "Pardon me."
Take away the P, A, R, and N and you have "Do me." It doesn't get much clearer than that. She wants you to join her in stall #3.

I stopped reading here; doesn't make sense, they're already in the same room, they probably did it already and there's no need for polite expressions like pardon me

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Veteran member
326 mesaje

Re: Re: Hard to get

scris pe 18 mai 2011 20:04 de ciciloveslaura

I stopped reading here; doesn't make sense, they're already in the same room, they probably did it already and there's no need for polite expressions like pardon me

Eh.. si daca esti intr-un club/bar?

Unde ești copilărie, cu alaiul tău cu tot...


9 mesaje

Re: Hard to get

scris pe 3 iul 2011 23:36 de armin19

eu am 15 ani.si am prins si eu era Cartoon Network in engleza.de acolo am invatat engleza si pronuntarea cuvintelor corect.acuma stiu engleza foarte bine nu am problema cu cititul sau vorbitul ei
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