Top 5 love songs
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Expert member 1930 mesaje
Top 5 love songs
scris pe 23 apr 2010 20:47 de Psyche
Propun sa scrie fiecare topul personal de 5 piese de dragoste preferate.
Sometimes you just have to roll the dice, man!
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Expert member 2314 mesaje
Re: top 5 love songs
Propun sa scrie fiecare topul personal de 5 piese de dragoste preferate.
Eu am 6:
Shania Twain->From this moment
Shania Twain->You're still the one
The Carpenters->Close to you
Savage garden -> Affirmation
Andrea Bocelli-> Con te Partiro
No Mercy->When I die
"A phoenix is a mythical bird with a tail of beautiful gold and red plumage or purple and blue.
The bird was also said to regenerate when hurt or wounded by a foe, thus being almost immortal and invincible — it is also said that it can heal a person with a tear from its eyes and make them temporarily immune to death. The phoenix is a symbol of fire and divinity." ( Greek mythology )
"Creierul=locul geometric al neuronilor egal departati de inteligenta situati pe cercul purtator al centrelor de vointa" (Eu,Pasaroi_Cuminte)
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Expert member 3081 mesaje
Re: Top 5 love songs
scris pe 26 apr 2010 03:05 de Bozgoru
Propun sa scrie fiecare topul personal de 5 piese de dragoste preferate.
1.elvis- love me tender
2.eminem - crazy in love
celelalte 3 nu-mi vin
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Expert member 1548 mesaje
Re: Re: Top 5 love songs
scris pe 27 iul 2010 05:43 de compot
2.eminem - crazy in love
O daaa!! 
Femeile nu gem...
Femeile compot
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Expert member 3805 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Top 5 love songs
scris pe 16 aug 2010 20:37 de SORIN28
Nu neaparat in ordinea asta. Pe astea le-am ascultat in ultimele zile deci le scriu aici dar sunt mult mai multe melodii superbe pe care le-am omis
1. Lumidee & shaggy - feel like makin' love
2. Lil wayne - pusha
3. Lmfao - la la la
4. Pedro cazanova - selfish love
5. Chicane - bruised water
6. Craig david - insomnia
7. Maliq - cheek to cheek 
Daca astea-s "love songs" io o tai si-o dau la rate.
Radio Greu de difuzat
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Expert member 1640 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Top 5 love songs
Wind Of Change de la Scorpions is the best 
habar nu aveam de melodie
Mie mi-e somn, mi-e lene, n-am chef sa discut- mie mi-e foame, mi-e sete si vreau sa f*t!
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Veteran member 410 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Top 5 love songs
scris pe 22 feb 2011 00:27 de ubyalex
Brad Paisley - Whiskey Lullaby(Allison Krauss)
Shayne Ward - No Promises
Shayne Ward - Youre not alone
Andreea Bocelli - Vivo Per Lei
Thalia - No Me Ensenaste
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