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Veteran member 342 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Ya BB
Se pare ca nu avem aceleasi gusturi.. zi-mi si mie o melodie care iti place tie :d
I'll wake up in the morning with a mild case of amnesia and next you cand find me on a table full of vodka and tequila !
sus |
Veteran member 342 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ya BB
Nu prea ascult din`astea acasa, si nici nu prea merg in club de manele... si nici aia lautareasca nu imi place
I'll wake up in the morning with a mild case of amnesia and next you cand find me on a table full of vodka and tequila !
sus |
Veteran member 342 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ya BB
eu ti-am zis ce imi place 
Ok ok, gusturile nu se discuta
I'll wake up in the morning with a mild case of amnesia and next you cand find me on a table full of vodka and tequila !
sus |
Expert member 1750 mesaje
Re: Ya BB
ooff credeam ca e o melodie mai speciala dar e ... romaneasca
🔴 Content Creator [@] DannyDivino
sus |
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