ce stitzi despre "ondinism" ?

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ce stitzi despre "ondinism" ?

scris pe 14 aug 2003 23:57 de un novice

am auzit ceva vag despre ondinism. este o practica sexuzla sau altceva,cine cunoaste amanunte?


Veteran member
376 mesaje

Re: ce stitzi despre "ondinism" ?

scris pe 15 aug 2003 04:14 de camelia

am auzit ceva vag despre ondinism. este o practica sexuzla sau altceva,cine cunoaste amanunte?

Ondinismul...este un cuvint in limba Engleza...
Finding urine a turn on, particularly when involved in sexual activity...Cred ca nu mai este necesar sa traduc!!




Re: ce stitzi despre "ondinism" ?

scris pe 19 aug 2003 08:17 de nico5xII51

am auzit ceva vag despre ondinism. este o practica sexuzla sau altceva,cine cunoaste amanunte?

"ondinism " vine de la "ondine" care este un personaj feminin di tzarile nordice si inseamna "fata care traieste in apa".Ondinismul desmneaza o practica in special manifestata la femei care consta in obtinerea placerii prin pipi in chiloti.Bineinteles ca aceasta practica se poate estinde si in cadrul unei partide de sex(practica sado-maso)


Expert member
1098 mesaje

Re: Re: ce stitzi despre "ondinism" ?

scris pe 20 aug 2003 01:06 de DarkAngel

"ondinism " vine de la "ondine" care este un personaj feminin di tzarile nordice si inseamna "fata care traieste in apa".Ondinismul desmneaza o practica in special manifestata la femei care consta in obtinerea placerii prin pipi in chiloti.Bineinteles ca aceasta practica se poate estinde si in cadrul unei partide de sex(practica sado-maso)

Eu am gasit pe net alta definitie....
1. What do you mean by Odinism?

" Odinism isthe indigenous religiousfaith of theScandinavian, British
and other peoples of Northern Europe; it is an amalgam of attitudes, ideas
and behavior, both a personal faith and a communal way of life. In its
beginnings Odinism is probably as old as our race. Historically it may be
divided into three periods:

A. Before the coming of Christianity
B. Its gradual merging with Christianity and the ensuing Period of
Dual Faith, and
C. Its efforts in the present century to free itself of Christian
influences and to reassert its ancient independence.

2. How have the tenets of Odinism been preserved?
Is there an Odinist holy book?

The ancient oral traditions of Odinism were during the Middle Ages
embodied in writings, the Odinist books of wisdom, the principle of which
are the Eddas. The poetic Elder Edda presents the Odinist cosmogony, the
mythological lays and the heroic lays, including the story of Sigurd and
Brynhild which were in later times moulded into the Lay of the Nibelungs.
The Younger Edda is a prose synopsis of the Odinist faith.

3. When did Britain and the rest of Europe cease to be Odinist?

The first of our Northern countries to succumb to the false promises of
the new religion were the Goths, in the fourth century of the Christian
era; the Icelanders became Christians by official decree in the year 1000
CE, to be followed by the Scandinavian countries over the next two hundred
years. England was "converted" between 597 and 686 CE and Scotland somewhat
earlier (although some of the people of Ross-shire were still worshipping
the old Gods as late as the seventeenth century). Ireland, when Patrick the
Proselytizer landed there in the year 432, was described as "a heathen
land"; Dublin and the other principal Irish towns were actually founded by
Odinist Vikings, who dedicated the country to the god Thor.

4. Well, the people were converted to Christianity.
Would you have denied them their freedom of choice?

They had no choice. Most of those who were "converted" had little
knowledge of Christian doctrine; the new religion was imposed on them by
sword and sermon. The Revd S. C. Olland's Dictionary of English Church
History is explicit: "The adoption of Christianity generally depended
upon State action: the king and his nobles were baptized and the people
largely followed their example. . . . .The wholesale conversions. . . . .
could not have implied individual conviction." On one day alone in the
year 598 more than ten thousand English "converts" were baptized in a mass
ceremony; it is unlikely that they had received a great deal of instruction
in the Christian faith. Even in the twentieth century the vast majority of
Christians are still quite ignorant of Christian doctrine. It was always


5. Why do you say that Odinism was practiced in the Church
during what you have called "the Period of Dual Faith"?
.... etc
etc "



Re: Re: Re: ce stitzi despre "ondinism"

scris pe 21 aug 2003 01:49 de nico5xII51

Eu am gasit pe net alta definitie....
1. What do you mean by Odinism?

" Odinism isthe indigenous religiousfaith of theScandinavian, British
and other peoples of Northern Europe; it is an amalgam of attitudes, ideas
and behavior, both a personal faith and a communal way of life. In its
beginnings Odinism is probably as old as our race. Historically it may be
divided into three periods:

A. Before the coming of Christianity
B. Its gradual merging with Christianity and the ensuing Period of
Dual Faith, and
C. Its efforts in the present century to free itself of Christian
influences and to reassert its ancient independence.

2. How have the tenets of Odinism been preserved?
Is there an Odinist holy book?

The ancient oral traditions of Odinism were during the Middle Ages
embodied in writings, the Odinist books of wisdom, the principle of which
are the Eddas. The poetic Elder Edda presents the Odinist cosmogony, the
mythological lays and the heroic lays, including the story of Sigurd and
Brynhild which were in later times moulded into the Lay of the Nibelungs.
The Younger Edda is a prose synopsis of the Odinist faith.

3. When did Britain and the rest of Europe cease to be Odinist?

The first of our Northern countries to succumb to the false promises of
the new religion were the Goths, in the fourth century of the Christian
era; the Icelanders became Christians by official decree in the year 1000
CE, to be followed by the Scandinavian countries over the next two hundred
years. England was "converted" between 597 and 686 CE and Scotland somewhat
earlier (although some of the people of Ross-shire were still worshipping
the old Gods as late as the seventeenth century). Ireland, when Patrick the
Proselytizer landed there in the year 432, was described as "a heathen
land"; Dublin and the other principal Irish towns were actually founded by
Odinist Vikings, who dedicated the country to the god Thor.

4. Well, the people were converted to Christianity.
Would you have denied them their freedom of choice?

They had no choice. Most of those who were "converted" had little
knowledge of Christian doctrine; the new religion was imposed on them by
sword and sermon. The Revd S. C. Olland's Dictionary of English Church
History is explicit: "The adoption of Christianity generally depended
upon State action: the king and his nobles were baptized and the people
largely followed their example. . . . .The wholesale conversions. . . . .
could not have implied individual conviction." On one day alone in the
year 598 more than ten thousand English "converts" were baptized in a mass
ceremony; it is unlikely that they had received a great deal of instruction
in the Christian faith. Even in the twentieth century the vast majority of
Christians are still quite ignorant of Christian doctrine. It was always


5. Why do you say that Odinism was practiced in the Church
during what you have called "the Period of Dual Faith"?
.... etc
etc "

Multunesc dar,ce sa fac daca nu am invatzat engleza.
Intrebarea se referea la "ONDINISM" SI NU ODINISM


Veteran member
175 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: ce stitzi despre "ondinism"

scris pe 21 aug 2003 18:33 de Teo

Eu am gasit pe net alta definitie....
1. What do you mean by Odinism?

Lol, Odin era un zeu scandinav. ONdinism este totusi o practica (perversiune?) sexuala.

"Le plus lâche des assassins, c'est celui qui a des remords" (J.P. Sartre)



Re: Re: Re: ce stitzi despre "ondinism"

scris pe 9 mar 2004 08:46 de Guest

Eu am gasit pe net alta definitie....
1. What do you mean by Odinism?

" Odinism isthe indigenous religiousfaith of theScandinavian, British
and other peoples of Northern Europe; it is an amalgam of attitudes, ideas
and behavior, both a personal faith and a communal way of life. In its
beginnings Odinism is probably as old as our race. Historically it may be
divided into three periods:

A. Before the coming of Christianity
B. Its gradual merging with Christianity and the ensuing Period of
Dual Faith, and
C. Its efforts in the present century to free itself of Christian
influences and to reassert its ancient independence.

2. How have the tenets of Odinism been preserved?
Is there an Odinist holy book?

The ancient oral traditions of Odinism were during the Middle Ages
embodied in writings, the Odinist books of wisdom, the principle of which
are the Eddas. The poetic Elder Edda presents the Odinist cosmogony, the
mythological lays and the heroic lays, including the story of Sigurd and
Brynhild which were in later times moulded into the Lay of the Nibelungs.
The Younger Edda is a prose synopsis of the Odinist faith.

3. When did Britain and the rest of Europe cease to be Odinist?

The first of our Northern countries to succumb to the false promises of
the new religion were the Goths, in the fourth century of the Christian
era; the Icelanders became Christians by official decree in the year 1000
CE, to be followed by the Scandinavian countries over the next two hundred
years. England was "converted" between 597 and 686 CE and Scotland somewhat
earlier (although some of the people of Ross-shire were still worshipping
the old Gods as late as the seventeenth century). Ireland, when Patrick the
Proselytizer landed there in the year 432, was described as "a heathen
land"; Dublin and the other principal Irish towns were actually founded by
Odinist Vikings, who dedicated the country to the god Thor.

4. Well, the people were converted to Christianity.
Would you have denied them their freedom of choice?

They had no choice. Most of those who were "converted" had little
knowledge of Christian doctrine; the new religion was imposed on them by
sword and sermon. The Revd S. C. Olland's Dictionary of English Church
History is explicit: "The adoption of Christianity generally depended
upon State action: the king and his nobles were baptized and the people
largely followed their example. . . . .The wholesale conversions. . . . .
could not have implied individual conviction." On one day alone in the
year 598 more than ten thousand English "converts" were baptized in a mass
ceremony; it is unlikely that they had received a great deal of instruction
in the Christian faith. Even in the twentieth century the vast majority of
Christians are still quite ignorant of Christian doctrine. It was always


5. Why do you say that Odinism was practiced in the Church
during what you have called "the Period of Dual Faith"?
.... etc
etc "


Senior member
131 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: ce stitzi despre "ondinism&qu

scris pe 9 mar 2004 21:40 de georgiana

ONdinism este totusi o practica (perversiune?) sexuala.

total de acord cu teo si camelia!

ai auzit de 'golden showers'? este o latura a ondinism-ului



Expert member
1846 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ce stitzi despre "ondinis

scris pe 9 mar 2004 22:05 de Infector

total de acord cu teo si camelia!

ai auzit de 'golden showers'? este o latura a ondinism-ului

Gata baietzi s-a fumat tema asta! Calm down dudes!

Circulati va rog , circulati! Nu-i nimik de vazut aici!

S.N.O.W.B.O.A.R.D. D.U.D.E.


Expert member
721 mesaje

Re: ce stitzi despre "ondinism" ?

scris pe 1 oct 2004 18:35 de YLoveCamelia

am auzit ceva vag despre ondinism. este o practica sexuzla sau altceva,cine cunoaste amanunte?

am auzit multe dar stiu putine despre subiectul asta.. asa ca nu intervin spre deosebire de alti compatrioti

nu cred ca intelegi
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