Sexul oral este nociv...

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1846 mesaje

Sexul oral este nociv...

scris pe 27 feb 2004 12:37 de Infector

Eu am o placere ofer sex oral partenerei ...dar ita ce am gasit pe totusi NU MA LAS

LONDON (Reuters) - Although the risk is small and it is more likely to result from heavy drinking and smoking, scientists have uncovered evidence that oral sex can cause mouth cancer.

Researchers had suspected that a sexually transmitted infection that is linked to cervical cancer could also be associated with tumors in the mouth. Now a study by researchers working for the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Lyon, France seems to have confirmed it.

"Oral sex can lead to oral tumors," New Scientist magazine said Wednesday, referring to the latest research.

The scientists studied more than 1,600 patients from Europe, Canada, Australia, Cuba and the Sudan with oral cancer and more than 1,700 healthy people.

They found that patients with oral cancer containing a strain of the human papilloma virus (HPV) known as HPV16 were three times more likely to report having had oral sex than those without the virus strain.

"The researchers think both cunnilingus and fellatio can infect people's mouths," the magazine added.

Raphael Viscidi, a virologist who worked on the research, believes the findings substantiate the link between HPV and oral cancer.

"This is a major study in terms of size," he said. "I think this will convince people."

S.N.O.W.B.O.A.R.D. D.U.D.E.


7 mesaje

Re: Sexul oral este nociv...

scris pe 27 feb 2004 15:18 de Aty

Cercetatori spun multe prostii. Asa ca sa n-o luam prea serios. Oricum o viata avem asa ca sa-o traim. Eu nu fumez, beau rar si atunci cu limita iar acum nici sex oral sa nu fac este prea de tot, atunci ce pot face ?

Tot niste cercetatori au afirmat ca dupa mai multe teste au ajuns la concluzia ca femeile care practica sexul oral au mai mici sanse sa faca cancer la san. De asta ce mai zici?

Mi-e imi place si imi asum riscul de a face cancer la gura.

Viata este scurta, nu o risipi. Savureaza fiecare moment.


Senior member
66 mesaje

Re: Re: Sexul oral este nociv...

scris pe 27 feb 2004 15:26 de tataYa

Tot niste cercetatori au afirmat ca dupa mai multe teste au ajuns la concluzia ca femeile care practica sexul oral au mai mici sanse sa faca cancer la san. De asta ce mai zici?

esti dezinformat.Faza la care te referi a fost o farsa facuta de un student american, nimic mai mult.

"poti deveni spiritual pana si in trup si poti fi carnal pana si in spirit"


Expert member
1846 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Sexul oral este nociv...

scris pe 27 feb 2004 21:28 de Infector

esti dezinformat.Faza la care te referi a fost o farsa facuta de un student american, nimic mai mult.

Mah .... candva tot tre sa mor asa ca ... ma risc ... oricum sunt inebunit dupa dat "limp'biskit" .... se mai risca cineva cu mine?
Scuze m-a luat gura pe dinainte

S.N.O.W.B.O.A.R.D. D.U.D.E.
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