Femeia moderna
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Expert member 6465 mesaje
Femeia moderna
Recent, am gasit pe un forum strain un subiect de discutie, din punctul meu de vedere, foarte interesant. Cum forumul este exclusiv pentru barbati, am cazut cu totii de acord asupra ideei prezentate, iar cum pe aici sunt si femei (vorbitoare si de limba engleza sper), sunt curios ce au de spus ele despre respectiva idee.
Mai jos redau integral si in original de la ce a pornit discutia:
"In today's society, women are treated as equals to men. They can vote, get a higher education and are respected in the working world. We've come a long way since the days where women were treated as delicate creatures, inferior to men, and made to dress up in corsettes and be paraded around by their fathers and husbands (In french we call it "la preciocité" or the age of preciosity). Still, women nowadys want men to be "gentleman." They want them to open their car door for them, hold the door for her, pick her up and drive her home, and pick up the check. This is what we call "chivalry," which carries the iconic image of the knight in shining armor saving the helpless damsel in distress and carrying her off on his white horse.
Here's what I think: Women can't have their cake and eat it too.
If they want to be respected in todays society, they need to let go of this image of women being treasures to be cherished by men. Granted, physical protection is an exception. But it really makes me feel like im stooping down if i were to open a car door for a women. Basically, I would never do anything for a woman that I wouldn't do for a guy friend, things out of sheer politeness. Would I hold the door for a woman? If I'm walking in front of her i wont drop the door on her, but i would do this for a stranger. Would i refill a woman's glass? If I was already refilling my own and had the pitcher in-hand. Because think about it. If you were with your guy friends, and you kept refilling their drinks, wouldn't it be super weird. What if you just refilled one of your guy friends glasses, but not the others. Even weirder. Would I open the car door for a guy friend? No. Why would I. He has hands, and so does a woman. I've also heard that a man should always walk on the side of the sidewalk closest to the street, so if a car were heading in that direction the man would get hit and not the woman. I would do this, but only because i value human life. The only people I'd unconsicously do this for would be my family. But the fact that the man is expected to do this every time sickens me. Why should a woman's life be worth protecting, and mine worth taking? I personally don't feel respected being the one to put myself in harms way, knowing the woman will probably never do it for me. I know i wont get hit by a car walking on the sidewalk, but it's the principle that bugs me. I would take a bullet for anyone in my family, and if you asked them they would probably do the same for me. But women expect this from men with nothing in return, and their only rationale is that "they're women and should be protected by men." By the way, I'm not counting the car example in physical protection because BOTH men and women are equally as vulnerable to being hit by a car.
I think women are taking way too much power, and trying to hold onto a stereotype because it makes life better for them, and makes men treat them like queens. Who wouldn't want to be treated like royalty? Tell me what you guys think. If someone has an opposing opinion I'd love to hear it."
So...doamnelor moderne, sunteti de acord cu ce spune baiatul asta?
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Senior member 56 mesaje
Re: Femeia moderna
Recent, am gasit pe un forum strain un subiect de discutie, din punctul meu de vedere, foarte interesant. Cum forumul este exclusiv pentru barbati, am cazut cu totii de acord asupra ideei prezentate, iar cum pe aici sunt si femei (vorbitoare si de limba engleza sper), sunt curios ce au de spus ele despre respectiva idee.
Mai jos redau integral si in original de la ce a pornit discutia:
"In today's society, women are treated as equals to men. They can vote, get a higher education and are respected in the working world. We've come a long way since the days where women were treated as delicate creatures, inferior to men, and made to dress up in corsettes and be paraded around by their fathers and husbands (In french we call it "la preciocité" or the age of preciosity). Still, women nowadys want men to be "gentleman." They want them to open their car door for them, hold the door for her, pick her up and drive her home, and pick up the check. This is what we call "chivalry," which carries the iconic image of the knight in shining armor saving the helpless damsel in distress and carrying her off on his white horse.
Here's what I think: Women can't have their cake and eat it too.
If they want to be respected in todays society, they need to let go of this image of women being treasures to be cherished by men. Granted, physical protection is an exception. But it really makes me feel like im stooping down if i were to open a car door for a women. Basically, I would never do anything for a woman that I wouldn't do for a guy friend, things out of sheer politeness. Would I hold the door for a woman? If I'm walking in front of her i wont drop the door on her, but i would do this for a stranger. Would i refill a woman's glass? If I was already refilling my own and had the pitcher in-hand. Because think about it. If you were with your guy friends, and you kept refilling their drinks, wouldn't it be super weird. What if you just refilled one of your guy friends glasses, but not the others. Even weirder. Would I open the car door for a guy friend? No. Why would I. He has hands, and so does a woman. I've also heard that a man should always walk on the side of the sidewalk closest to the street, so if a car were heading in that direction the man would get hit and not the woman. I would do this, but only because i value human life. The only people I'd unconsicously do this for would be my family. But the fact that the man is expected to do this every time sickens me. Why should a woman's life be worth protecting, and mine worth taking? I personally don't feel respected being the one to put myself in harms way, knowing the woman will probably never do it for me. I know i wont get hit by a car walking on the sidewalk, but it's the principle that bugs me. I would take a bullet for anyone in my family, and if you asked them they would probably do the same for me. But women expect this from men with nothing in return, and their only rationale is that "they're women and should be protected by men." By the way, I'm not counting the car example in physical protection because BOTH men and women are equally as vulnerable to being hit by a car.
I think women are taking way too much power, and trying to hold onto a stereotype because it makes life better for them, and makes men treat them like queens. Who wouldn't want to be treated like royalty? Tell me what you guys think. If someone has an opposing opinion I'd love to hear it."
So...doamnelor moderne, sunteti de acord cu ce spune baiatul asta?
Deci ideea baiatului este urmatoarea : femeile au drept de vot, lucreaza, de ce sa mai fim noi politicosi si sa ii deschidem usa sau sa o luam de acasa, sa o ducem acasa? Lucrurile astea tin de educatie si pana la urma conteaza si sentimentele unui baiat pentru o fata. Daca o iubeste, vrea sa o protejeze cat mai mult, faptul ca lucram nu ne ajuta cu nimic in fata pericolelor. Si sa fim seriosi o femeie va avea intotdeauna mai putina forta fizica decat un barbat (sa excludem aici femeile care fac sporturi de performanta). Sa va spun ceva: asta este unul din lucrurile care m-au impresionat la sotul meu, da...el imi deschide usa, el imi toarna in pahar, el merge pe partea dinspre strada...de ce? poate educatia, poate felul lui de a fi, poate pentru ca ma iubeste si ma respecta, poate pentru ca isi da seama ca noi, femeile chiar daca avem mai multe posibilitati de afirmare in viata...suntem fragile, avem nevoie de dragoste, de o mangaiere, de o vorba de alint, de o incurajare, sa simtim ca suntem iubite, protejate si pana la urma si barbatii au nevoie de aceleasi lucruri chiar daca de multe ori nu le recunosc.Daca un barbat m-ar fi tratat ca pe prietenii lui i-as fi spus foarte clar sa ramana cu prietenii lui. Ori sunt un prieten ori sunt sotia, iubita etc.
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Expert member 1090 mesaje
Re: Femeia moderna
scris pe 30 apr 2009 20:04 de angela
Recent, am gasit pe un forum strain un subiect de discutie, din punctul meu de vedere, foarte interesant. Cum forumul este exclusiv pentru barbati, am cazut cu totii de acord asupra ideei prezentate, iar cum pe aici sunt si femei (vorbitoare si de limba engleza sper), sunt curios ce au de spus ele despre respectiva idee.
Mai jos redau integral si in original de la ce a pornit discutia:
"In today's society, women are treated as equals to men. They can vote, get a higher education and are respected in the working world. We've come a long way since the days where women were treated as delicate creatures, inferior to men, and made to dress up in corsettes and be paraded around by their fathers and husbands (In french we call it "la preciocité" or the age of preciosity). Still, women nowadys want men to be "gentleman." They want them to open their car door for them, hold the door for her, pick her up and drive her home, and pick up the check. This is what we call "chivalry," which carries the iconic image of the knight in shining armor saving the helpless damsel in distress and carrying her off on his white horse.
Here's what I think: Women can't have their cake and eat it too.
If they want to be respected in todays society, they need to let go of this image of women being treasures to be cherished by men. Granted, physical protection is an exception. But it really makes me feel like im stooping down if i were to open a car door for a women. Basically, I would never do anything for a woman that I wouldn't do for a guy friend, things out of sheer politeness. Would I hold the door for a woman? If I'm walking in front of her i wont drop the door on her, but i would do this for a stranger. Would i refill a woman's glass? If I was already refilling my own and had the pitcher in-hand. Because think about it. If you were with your guy friends, and you kept refilling their drinks, wouldn't it be super weird. What if you just refilled one of your guy friends glasses, but not the others. Even weirder. Would I open the car door for a guy friend? No. Why would I. He has hands, and so does a woman. I've also heard that a man should always walk on the side of the sidewalk closest to the street, so if a car were heading in that direction the man would get hit and not the woman. I would do this, but only because i value human life. The only people I'd unconsicously do this for would be my family. But the fact that the man is expected to do this every time sickens me. Why should a woman's life be worth protecting, and mine worth taking? I personally don't feel respected being the one to put myself in harms way, knowing the woman will probably never do it for me. I know i wont get hit by a car walking on the sidewalk, but it's the principle that bugs me. I would take a bullet for anyone in my family, and if you asked them they would probably do the same for me. But women expect this from men with nothing in return, and their only rationale is that "they're women and should be protected by men." By the way, I'm not counting the car example in physical protection because BOTH men and women are equally as vulnerable to being hit by a car.
I think women are taking way too much power, and trying to hold onto a stereotype because it makes life better for them, and makes men treat them like queens. Who wouldn't want to be treated like royalty? Tell me what you guys think. If someone has an opposing opinion I'd love to hear it."
So...doamnelor moderne, sunteti de acord cu ce spune baiatul asta?
Tipul probabil e putin misogin, si cred ca nu a iubit pe cineva cu adevarat. Atunci cand iubesti faci anumite lucruri pentru persoana respectiva, fara a astepta ceva in schimb.El spune ca barbatii fac anumite lucruri pentru femei, dar ele nu dau niciodata nimic in schimb.Probabil nu a intalnit femeia potrivita. Daca ar fi cum spune el, atunci nu ar mai fi codul bunelor maniere, de care unii am cam uitat.Probabil sunt mai de moda veche, dar imi place sa fiu respectata de barbatul cu care umblu, asa cum si eu l-as respecta. Suntem egali, da barbatii cu femeile, dar asta nu inseamna ca trebuie sa fim mitocani unul fata de celalalt. Cred ca doza aceea de minima educatie, nu ar trebui considerata ca el/ea face ceva iesit din comun, ci sa faca pentru ca educatia lui/ei este de asa natura.Din pacate, tipul acesta nu are acel minim de educatie, sau cavalerism, si crede ca daca ii deschide usa unei doamne, face ceva nemaipomenit.Revin la ideea mea, imi pare rau ca unii nu au cei 7 ani de acasa, si vezi peste tot in jurul tau un adevarat atlas de mitocanie urbana. Poate sunt de moda veche, insa cand vezi pe strada cum injura unii fara sa tina cont ca sunt copii in jur, doamne mai in varsta, chiar imi pare rau ca nu traim dupa standardele de altadata, cand respectul era respect.
''Nu te intreba ce ii trebuie lumii - intreaba-te ce te face sa prinzi viata si pune-te pe treaba. Deoarece lumii ii trebuie oameni care au prins viata'' - Howard Thurman
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Re: Femeia moderna
scris pe 30 apr 2009 23:37 de Stab
Recent, am gasit pe un forum strain un subiect de discutie, din punctul meu de vedere, foarte interesant. Cum forumul este exclusiv pentru barbati, am cazut cu totii de acord asupra ideei prezentate, iar cum pe aici sunt si femei (vorbitoare si de limba engleza sper), sunt curios ce au de spus ele despre respectiva idee.
Mai jos redau integral si in original de la ce a pornit discutia:
"In today's society, women are treated as equals to men. They can vote, get a higher education and are respected in the working world. We've come a long way since the days where women were treated as delicate creatures, inferior to men, and made to dress up in corsettes and be paraded around by their fathers and husbands (In french we call it "la preciocité" or the age of preciosity). Still, women nowadys want men to be "gentleman." They want them to open their car door for them, hold the door for her, pick her up and drive her home, and pick up the check. This is what we call "chivalry," which carries the iconic image of the knight in shining armor saving the helpless damsel in distress and carrying her off on his white horse.
Here's what I think: Women can't have their cake and eat it too.
If they want to be respected in todays society, they need to let go of this image of women being treasures to be cherished by men. Granted, physical protection is an exception. But it really makes me feel like im stooping down if i were to open a car door for a women. Basically, I would never do anything for a woman that I wouldn't do for a guy friend, things out of sheer politeness. Would I hold the door for a woman? If I'm walking in front of her i wont drop the door on her, but i would do this for a stranger. Would i refill a woman's glass? If I was already refilling my own and had the pitcher in-hand. Because think about it. If you were with your guy friends, and you kept refilling their drinks, wouldn't it be super weird. What if you just refilled one of your guy friends glasses, but not the others. Even weirder. Would I open the car door for a guy friend? No. Why would I. He has hands, and so does a woman. I've also heard that a man should always walk on the side of the sidewalk closest to the street, so if a car were heading in that direction the man would get hit and not the woman. I would do this, but only because i value human life. The only people I'd unconsicously do this for would be my family. But the fact that the man is expected to do this every time sickens me. Why should a woman's life be worth protecting, and mine worth taking? I personally don't feel respected being the one to put myself in harms way, knowing the woman will probably never do it for me. I know i wont get hit by a car walking on the sidewalk, but it's the principle that bugs me. I would take a bullet for anyone in my family, and if you asked them they would probably do the same for me. But women expect this from men with nothing in return, and their only rationale is that "they're women and should be protected by men." By the way, I'm not counting the car example in physical protection because BOTH men and women are equally as vulnerable to being hit by a car.
I think women are taking way too much power, and trying to hold onto a stereotype because it makes life better for them, and makes men treat them like queens. Who wouldn't want to be treated like royalty? Tell me what you guys think. If someone has an opposing opinion I'd love to hear it."
So...doamnelor moderne, sunteti de acord cu ce spune baiatul asta?
Hmmm interesant.
Da astea-s niste aspecte care si in vremurile vechi se respectau.
Eu zic ca femeia moderna are chesti mult mai periculoase decat ce zice userul acesta.
De pilda in natura la animale vedem ca barbatul alege femeia.
Acum in zilele de azi exista sansa ca femeia sa aleaga barbatul (sa fie cel mai fat frumos).
Nu stiu ce sa zic e putin misogin dar are dreptate,din anumite puncte de perspectiva.
Si spun si parerea.
Odata ca daca ii torni in pahar,o lasi sa intre prima,mai putin cu chestia aia sa mergi pe langa strada,zic ca arati ca tii cel mai mult la acea persoana,fata de prieteni care sunt mai egali de fel.
Adica persoana este mai speciala.
Acuma nu zic ca femeile sunt neputincioase dar adevarul este ca astea sunt un tip de femei in mare care gandesc ca barbatul e un sclav fara putere in fata acesteia,sunt pitipoance si alte adunaturi.
Acuma am sa enumar eu niste chestii cu adevarat naspa ele pot fi si contranaturii si naturale.
1.Femeia alege barbatul (contranaturii)
2.Femeia are pretenti materiale uriase(contranaturii)
3.Femeia vrea schimbari fizice si nonnaturale atat la barbat cat si la aceasta.
4.Femeia n-are pretentii la un anumit vocabular dar se uita la smecherie (natural dar spre contranatural)
5.Femeia se simte mai bine prin lucruri indirecte decat prin cele directe,mai pe scurt este foarte greu de lovit in ceea ce priveste dragoste,gandeste sex,bani,fitza,putere (natural dar periculos).
6.Cea mai trista parte este ca daca nu arati ca o vedeta de tv si nu ai aptitudini de maestru in femei (pornstar,peste sau ceva de genu) sa nu te astepti la o fata faina te reduci la vorba "eu n-am pretentii le las sa ma aleaga"indiferent ca are 200 kg sau arata ca buda e fata,am o relatie ma bucur (decat nimic mai bine asa).
7.Ce dreq asta e viata n-ai ce-i face!
Unicul lucru care l-as face este sa adun o rezistenta mondiala de baieti si sa lupte cu aceleasi arme.
Sa le vezi dupaceea pe fetite cat de dure mai sunt      
Si cand vin la noi ...hmmm nu next !! 
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Expert member 551 mesaje
Re: Re: Femeia moderna
scris pe 1 mai 2009 14:13 de Firefox
putin misogin? toti suntem misogini dar avem simt si nu o aratam.. sau nu caraim.. "want to get in someones panties?...in a girl's panties?.. well.. you have to reach the shirt first..".. voi fetele nu ati recunoaste niciodata ca va place sa fiti tratate astfel... va indoiti dupa cum bate vantu'.. daca bate inspre voi.. imbratisati cu bucurie ideea de a nu fi tratate la fel ca barbatii(muncile la care ati putea fi supuse.. lucrurile "incomode" pe care ar trebui sa le faceti etc... "Sunt doamna si tu esti barbat.. tu ar trebui sa faci ....."... dar daca ar fi vorba de un job bine platit.. si un barbat ar fi indicat.. sariti repede.. si ca de obicei.. "vrem drepturi egale cu barbatii/avem drepturi egale cu ei" da aveti.. dar voi aveti acele drepturi si obligatii doar cand va convine.
să nu faci PROSTIA să crezi că bărbatul sau femeia sunt mai buni unul decât celălalt.
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Expert member 823 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Femeia moderna
scris pe 6 mai 2009 23:57 de carrie
E destul de complicata povestea asta, pentru ca "egalitatea" asta mult trambitata nu e tocmai egalitate. Este in mare parte doar teoretica... asa cum si democratia, de exemplu, este in mare parte doar teoretica.
Desigur, in lumea moderna (vorbesc doar de partea civilizata), femeia chipurile se bucura de egalitate de sanse si tratament samd. Dar totusi daca ne raportam la numarul femeilor aflate, spre exemplu, in posturi de conducere, suntem departe de egalitate. Plus ca intr-adevar diferentele biologice nu pot fi trecute cu vederea (spre exemplu, sa punem in balanta efortul pe care il face o femeie pentru a aduce un copil pe lume fata de efortul pe care il face un barbat in acelasi scop... asta ca sa nu mai zic de forta fizica, crampele lunare sau epilatul inghinal). Iar chestiunile marunte de genul deschisul usii tin de curtoazie si de anumite "ritualuri" sociale. Sa fim seriosi, personal nu am nicio pretentie de genul asta, dar ce efortul din cais presupune deschisul usii?...
Oricum, cu partea cu plata pe care trebuie sa o faca barbatul sau alte chestiuni mai serioase nu sunt de acord. Insa, umplutul unui pahar sau un buchet de flori sunt cu totul altceva...
In orice caz egalitatea de sanse dintre sexe (la nivel general, nu individul x sau y) este inca o utopie pentru mult timp de acum incolo. Si asta e in mare parte vina femeilor (in primul rand a celor care considera ca daca sunt femei, cea mai buna alegere in viata este aceea de a isi gasi un sponsor).
Asa ca afirmatiile conform cu care femeile au dobandit drepturi egale cu barbatii, dar nu si obligatii egale este nefondata...
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it"
"I'm in love with my lust/Burning angel wings to dust"
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