Aequus Nox Anima. Aniti!
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Expert member 2314 mesaje
Re: Aequus Nox Anima. Aniti !
Philosophy, Physics, Mathematics - Dangerous Knowledge (BBCFour Documentary)
"Beneath the surface of the world are the rules of science, and beneath these set of rules is a matrix of pure mathematics which explain the nature of the rules of science."
"A phoenix is a mythical bird with a tail of beautiful gold and red plumage or purple and blue.
The bird was also said to regenerate when hurt or wounded by a foe, thus being almost immortal and invincible — it is also said that it can heal a person with a tear from its eyes and make them temporarily immune to death. The phoenix is a symbol of fire and divinity." ( Greek mythology )
"Creierul=locul geometric al neuronilor egal departati de inteligenta situati pe cercul purtator al centrelor de vointa" (Eu,Pasaroi_Cuminte)
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Junior member 32 mesaje
Re: Aequus Nox Anima. Aniti !
scris pe 27 oct 2012 20:10 de Michel
scuze pt faptul ca nu raspund la subiect..
dar, as dori sa-mi sterg contul dupa acest site si daca ma puteti ajuta, explicandu-mi pasii...mi-ati face un mare serviciu...
va multumesc anticipat...
am incercat, dar nu reusesc...
va multumesc inca odata..
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