The true you... and the story of evil.

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The true you... and the story of evil.

scris pe 3 dec 2011 03:46 de nemesis

Asta este ceea ce ai nu ai vrut sa postez in jurnalul tau, ExoticDream, asta nu ai vrut sa se afle. M-ai cenzurat, ti-ai folosit drepturile de moderator pentru a ma cenzura... Eu te-am propus ca moderator!
Nu esti ceea ce lumea crede si nici macar vaga ta identitate nu este adevarata.

Intr-adevar! Sapte…

29.11.2011 14:38

DESPICABLE attitude...After 7 years of sharing a lot and after designing and performing such a mean,cruel and violent act,you don't even have the decency to say a live ADIO,you thought of saving the money for better things,better girls!What a terrible disappointent,waste of time,dreams,hopes and FEELINGS this love was!As stupid and fearful you considered me to be,with my mistakes,at least I have always been sincere both in the good and bad times(what a mistake!),you weren't.You cheated on my trust,hid the truth,planned how to hurt me (and my family) as deep as possible just to clear your mind and move on into your 14 desired love relationships,among which I probably was an insignificant one.I deeply regret letting you enter my life,widely opening in front of you and sharing with you my thoughts,dreams,hopes,feelings,you took them all and trashed them in order to fulfill your selfish goals.I will NEVER forgive you for deceiving me and I will eternally HATE you for this.You are miles away from the guy I thought you to be and all your mind games do not impress me much anymore.Your tears were fake,your promises just empty words(eternal love?forever mine??Jupiter???),you don't have a clue what true love is.May your path be filled with hate,disappointment and pain just like you intentionally paved mine,enjoy your weird universe in which soulless beings like your legal girlfriend kill in order to feel happy and build their lives on the unhappiness of others,claiming their aims are noble (Al-Qaeda style),may gods and karma punish you one day for the heartless acts you perform against me and my dear ones,you NEVER deserved my love!You are NOT a special guy and your love,if ever really existed,died just like the common beigbederian ones do,fast and in an ugly way.I will NEVER EVER give you the satisfaction you're hungry for,mark my words:I will NEVER talk in public about us (I am not such a low person,I have my standards even as bad you think me) and you will ALWAYS regret you didn't use the 10' to really know me is me (believe what you want,ask yourself forever,I don't care to proove anything anymore,I tried and you rejected me).You had plenty of chances to solve this between us,but you ran for the circus,clearly showing that selfish revenge is what you want.I don't need your lessons,a guy who chooses to destroy without blinking is no longer morally able to teach,keep your"good advice"for your next victims,I learned by myself that most men should NOT be trusted,they would NEVER let vanity be left behind love!I wanted to protect my family,but stripping for the guy who would stab me anyway is more than my self-respect can do.You already took way too much from me without deserving it.I am forced to tell parts of this terrible unhappy story to my family and hopefully we will find a solution to deal with this unbelieveble,mean,despicable situation.If your happiness and peace are built on my family's sufference and money,then I guess you will reach them in your selfish heartless ways.It is not the first time you get money from me by blackmail.May you regret one day the harm you've done,keep on dreaming you're entitled to collect eye for an eye,if the thousands of books you read taught you that,I think reading was futile...So...I am sorry you didn't understand me at all and you killed a love story which could be fascinanting,but it is better you did it now,in the end my fears were correct,you were not the man of my dreams and thank you for revealing this to me before fantasy one took place,I would have commited suicide in that case!So...I do not wish to hear from you again,from this moment you are DEAD for me,I will do my best to kill all my useless feelings for you and forget you ever existed.I will always HATE you for this despicable,devlish,cruel,violent ending and I will NEVER forgive you for it.If you can,that is another proof of your soul's (limited)dimensions.ADIO.

Why am I frank with you? Because we, my friend, face an evolutionary gap here...

Din ciclul: "Prostia-i mai mare decat fosta Uniune Sovietica", astazi va prezentam: Si ar fi trebuit atunci sa se gandeasca la faptul ca un intelectual nu face amor pe cuptor. Nicolae I. Nicolae, consilier al presedintelui Academiei Romane


Veteran member
496 mesaje

Re: The true you... and the story of evil.

scris pe 3 dec 2011 10:10 de SebySeBitza

Asta este ceea ce ai nu ai vrut sa postez in jurnalul tau, ExoticDream, asta nu ai vrut sa se afle. M-ai cenzurat, ti-ai folosit drepturile de moderator pentru a ma cenzura... Eu te-am propus ca moderator!
Nu esti ceea ce lumea crede si nici macar vaga ta identitate nu este adevarata.

Intr-adevar! Sapte…

29.11.2011 14:38

DESPICABLE attitude...After 7 years of sharing a lot and after designing and performing such a mean,cruel and violent act,you don't even have the decency to say a live ADIO,you thought of saving the money for better things,better girls!What a terrible disappointent,waste of time,dreams,hopes and FEELINGS this love was!As stupid and fearful you considered me to be,with my mistakes,at least I have always been sincere both in the good and bad times(what a mistake!),you weren't.You cheated on my trust,hid the truth,planned how to hurt me (and my family) as deep as possible just to clear your mind and move on into your 14 desired love relationships,among which I probably was an insignificant one.I deeply regret letting you enter my life,widely opening in front of you and sharing with you my thoughts,dreams,hopes,feelings,you took them all and trashed them in order to fulfill your selfish goals.I will NEVER forgive you for deceiving me and I will eternally HATE you for this.You are miles away from the guy I thought you to be and all your mind games do not impress me much anymore.Your tears were fake,your promises just empty words(eternal love?forever mine??Jupiter???),you don't have a clue what true love is.May your path be filled with hate,disappointment and pain just like you intentionally paved mine,enjoy your weird universe in which soulless beings like your legal girlfriend kill in order to feel happy and build their lives on the unhappiness of others,claiming their aims are noble (Al-Qaeda style),may gods and karma punish you one day for the heartless acts you perform against me and my dear ones,you NEVER deserved my love!You are NOT a special guy and your love,if ever really existed,died just like the common beigbederian ones do,fast and in an ugly way.I will NEVER EVER give you the satisfaction you're hungry for,mark my words:I will NEVER talk in public about us (I am not such a low person,I have my standards even as bad you think me) and you will ALWAYS regret you didn't use the 10' to really know me is me (believe what you want,ask yourself forever,I don't care to proove anything anymore,I tried and you rejected me).You had plenty of chances to solve this between us,but you ran for the circus,clearly showing that selfish revenge is what you want.I don't need your lessons,a guy who chooses to destroy without blinking is no longer morally able to teach,keep your"good advice"for your next victims,I learned by myself that most men should NOT be trusted,they would NEVER let vanity be left behind love!I wanted to protect my family,but stripping for the guy who would stab me anyway is more than my self-respect can do.You already took way too much from me without deserving it.I am forced to tell parts of this terrible unhappy story to my family and hopefully we will find a solution to deal with this unbelieveble,mean,despicable situation.If your happiness and peace are built on my family's sufference and money,then I guess you will reach them in your selfish heartless ways.It is not the first time you get money from me by blackmail.May you regret one day the harm you've done,keep on dreaming you're entitled to collect eye for an eye,if the thousands of books you read taught you that,I think reading was futile...So...I am sorry you didn't understand me at all and you killed a love story which could be fascinanting,but it is better you did it now,in the end my fears were correct,you were not the man of my dreams and thank you for revealing this to me before fantasy one took place,I would have commited suicide in that case!So...I do not wish to hear from you again,from this moment you are DEAD for me,I will do my best to kill all my useless feelings for you and forget you ever existed.I will always HATE you for this despicable,devlish,cruel,violent ending and I will NEVER forgive you for it.If you can,that is another proof of your soul's (limited)dimensions.ADIO.
M-ati pus pe ganduri tu cu ExoticDream... faptul ca si ea vorbea de saptele ala si tu l-ai pomenit aici.

P.S Strange...

Sa spargem gheata!
Sa traim viata!!!


Expert member
2038 mesaje

Re: The true you... and the story of evil.

scris pe 3 dec 2011 13:56 de nemesis

M-ati pus pe ganduri tu cu ExoticDream... faptul ca si ea vorbea de saptele ala si tu l-ai pomenit aici.

P.S Strange...

Este acelasi fantasmagoric sapte. Randurile de mai sus ii apartin, numai ca sunt dintr-o viata un pic mai reala decat cea de pe forum.

Why am I frank with you? Because we, my friend, face an evolutionary gap here...

Din ciclul: "Prostia-i mai mare decat fosta Uniune Sovietica", astazi va prezentam: Si ar fi trebuit atunci sa se gandeasca la faptul ca un intelectual nu face amor pe cuptor. Nicolae I. Nicolae, consilier al presedintelui Academiei Romane


Expert member
6465 mesaje

Re: The true you... and the story of evil.

scris pe 3 dec 2011 17:18 de valentine

Ce-ar fi sa nu ne spalam rufele murdare in public? Societatea ar fi mai frumoasa asa...

Editat de valentine pe 3 dec 2011 17:18


Expert member
2038 mesaje

Re: The true you... and the story of evil.

scris pe 3 dec 2011 20:14 de nemesis

Ce-ar fi sa nu ne spalam rufele murdare in public? Societatea ar fi mai frumoasa asa...

Sau ce-ar fi daca nu am urmari fete nevazute pentru a aseza trandafiri pe masinile lor, valentine? "Societatea ar fi mai frumoasa asa..." si si mai lipsita de oameni sau gesturi care-ti dau fiori.

P.S. Pana la urma... nu uita ca tu esti publicul/societatea in acest caz; si daca vrei sa te faci "mai frumos", nu mai citi.

Why am I frank with you? Because we, my friend, face an evolutionary gap here...

Din ciclul: "Prostia-i mai mare decat fosta Uniune Sovietica", astazi va prezentam: Si ar fi trebuit atunci sa se gandeasca la faptul ca un intelectual nu face amor pe cuptor. Nicolae I. Nicolae, consilier al presedintelui Academiei Romane


Expert member
3383 mesaje

Re: The true you... and the story of evil.

scris pe 4 dec 2011 02:23 de dorinda

Sau ce-ar fi daca nu am urmari fete nevazute pentru a aseza trandafiri pe masinile lor, valentine? "Societatea ar fi mai frumoasa asa..." si si mai lipsita de oameni sau gesturi care-ti dau fiori.

P.S. Pana la urma... nu uita ca tu esti publicul/societatea in acest caz; si daca vrei sa te faci "mai frumos", nu mai citi.

Fetele alearga dupa "barbatul visurilor" si de fiecare data cand au un prieten, ala e Superman pentru ele, mai ales daca sunt adolescente. Dar ca sa se ajunga intr-o asemenea situatie ca cea descrisa, trebuie sa fie doi vinovati: unul rau din fire, iar celalalt atat de naiv incat sa nu-si dea seama de iluzia in care traieste decat atunci cand este prea tarziu. Degeaba il uraste, problema ramane. Singurul lucru care te elibereaza cu adevarat este iertarea. Nu spun ca trebuie sa si continui ceea ce iti face rau, ci sa ierti si sa mergi mai departe, luand cu tine doar ceea ce ai invatat din acea experienta neplacuta si hotarat/a sa nu mai repeti greseala pe viitor.


Veteran member
398 mesaje

Re: The true you... and the story of evil.

scris pe 4 dec 2011 12:19 de onlyforgod

nu mi se pare nimic anormal, fata si-a exprimat, descarcat propriile emotii, ganduri.. oricat de dur ar parea fiecare dintre noi are partea lui intunecata, trebuie s-o acceptam iar daca o negam ne vom indeparta de natura noastra. asta a ajutat-o sa se elibereze si sa treaca mai usor peste moment.

"I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality".-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
"We must become the change we want to see in the world".-Mohandas Gandhi.


Expert member
516 mesaje

The true you...un ghertoi

scris pe 9 dec 2011 08:12 de Arayas

Faptul ca tu publici pe forum un lucru PERSONAL care te privea doar pe tine dovedeste clar ca fata nu s-a inselat: esti un looser dornic de a demonstra lumii ce Gigi Facalet ai fost tu la viata ta. Si tu faci asta in cel mai josnic mod: etalarea durerii pe care ai provocat-o altora. N-o iubesc prea tare pe Exotica, dar modul ei de a vedea lucrurile, defect uneori, se datoreaza unor paraziti ca tine. Parazitul se ataseaza de gazda (host) si dupa ce ii consuma resursele se muta in alta parte. Ti se pare ca te-am descris gresit? Fiecare avem mortii nostri in dulap dar exista o limita a decentei pe care tu ai eludat-o. Ce sens are sa publici un mesaj INTIM pe un forum? Crezi ca o sa ne luam nickname-urile si o sa o luam la fuga? Este doar o etalare de machoghertoius: " 'ote ba ce am arso p-asta!!! Ha ha ha!" Te-ai ars singur, loosere, pentru ca numai cei curajosi se avanta sa iubeasca neconditionat chiar cu riscul de a da peste o palamida ca tine.
Du-te si lauda-te la prietenii tai analfabeti, ce mare scula de jigolo esti tu!
Exotico, capu' sus si nu crede ca TOTI sunt nenorociti.
(numai o mare majoritate)

Editat de Arayas pe 9 dec 2011 08:13


Expert member
3569 mesaje

Re: The true you...un ghertoi

scris pe 15 dec 2011 12:04 de baby

Faptul ca tu publici pe forum un lucru PERSONAL care te privea doar pe tine dovedeste clar ca fata nu s-a inselat: esti un looser dornic de a demonstra lumii ce Gigi Facalet ai fost tu la viata ta.Exotico, capu' sus si nu crede ca TOTI sunt nenorociti.
(numai o mare majoritate)

Gigi Facalet

Ma ideea e ca nu are rost sa dezgropi rahatu aiurea...



Expert member
2038 mesaje

Re: The true you...un ghertoi

scris pe 22 dec 2011 03:30 de nemesis

Faptul ca tu publici pe forum un lucru PERSONAL care te privea doar pe tine dovedeste clar ca fata nu s-a inselat: esti un looser dornic de a demonstra lumii ce Gigi Facalet ai fost tu la viata ta. Si tu faci asta in cel mai josnic mod: etalarea durerii pe care ai provocat-o altora. N-o iubesc prea tare pe Exotica, dar modul ei de a vedea lucrurile, defect uneori, se datoreaza unor paraziti ca tine. Parazitul se ataseaza de gazda (host) si dupa ce ii consuma resursele se muta in alta parte. Ti se pare ca te-am descris gresit? Fiecare avem mortii nostri in dulap dar exista o limita a decentei pe care tu ai eludat-o. Ce sens are sa publici un mesaj INTIM pe un forum? Crezi ca o sa ne luam nickname-urile si o sa o luam la fuga? Este doar o etalare de machoghertoius: " 'ote ba ce am arso p-asta!!! Ha ha ha!" Te-ai ars singur, loosere, pentru ca numai cei curajosi se avanta sa iubeasca neconditionat chiar cu riscul de a da peste o palamida ca tine.
Du-te si lauda-te la prietenii tai analfabeti, ce mare scula de jigolo esti tu!
Exotico, capu' sus si nu crede ca TOTI sunt nenorociti.
(numai o mare majoritate)

Ce chestie, Exotic! Asta suna ca Infector... sau, mai degraba, ca tine in randurile expuse de mine!

P.S. "Mishto" metafora aia cu "ii consuma resursele se muta in alta parte". Lacusta de mine! Asta s-a uitat prea mult la Independence Day. Prefer metaforele lermontoviene, "copilash". Cele cu ET imi sunt cel mult simpatice.

P.P.S. Citindu-i randurile... cumva, devin aproape nostaligic...

Ah, si inca ceva: "se ataseaza de gazda (host)". Multumim pentru traducere!

Why am I frank with you? Because we, my friend, face an evolutionary gap here...

Din ciclul: "Prostia-i mai mare decat fosta Uniune Sovietica", astazi va prezentam: Si ar fi trebuit atunci sa se gandeasca la faptul ca un intelectual nu face amor pe cuptor. Nicolae I. Nicolae, consilier al presedintelui Academiei Romane


Expert member
516 mesaje

Re: The true you...un ghertoi

scris pe 9 ian 2012 21:32 de Arayas

Argumentum ad hominem

O traducere pentru tine: cand esti prea prost sa combati o idee emisa de cineva, ataci persoana propriu-zisa. Deci tu te incadrezi cu brio.
Eu am emis o parere vis-a-vis de comportamentul tau. Tu ai emis...ceva, n-am inteles ce era. Un raspuns, o stiu.
Daca ar fi sa ma cobor cu liftul galactic la nivelul tau as face asa:
"Copilash a fost tac'tu cand te-a facut, pentru ca se pare ca ti-a transmis doar o parte din ADN-ul unui copil sanatos, de aici si rezultatul mai mult decat vizibil."
Dar nu fac asta, ca nu-i frumos.
Traducere (nu ma pot abtine) :
vis-a-vis= vizavi, pentru persoane care nu au trecut intelectual de propozitia "Ana mulge vaca, vaca are mere."


Veteran member
496 mesaje

Re: The true you...un ghertoi

scris pe 9 ian 2012 21:55 de SebySeBitza

Argumentum ad hominem

O traducere pentru tine: cand esti prea prost sa combati o idee emisa de cineva, ataci persoana propriu-zisa. Deci tu te incadrezi cu brio.
Eu am emis o parere vis-a-vis de comportamentul tau. Tu ai emis...ceva, n-am inteles ce era. Un raspuns, o stiu.
Daca ar fi sa ma cobor cu liftul galactic la nivelul tau as face asa:
"Copilash a fost tac'tu cand te-a facut, pentru ca se pare ca ti-a transmis doar o parte din ADN-ul unui copil sanatos, de aici si rezultatul mai mult decat vizibil."
Dar nu fac asta, ca nu-i frumos.
Traducere (nu ma pot abtine) :
vis-a-vis= vizavi, pentru persoane care nu au trecut intelectual de propozitia "Ana mulge vaca, vaca are mere."
OMG WTF Am ras cu lacrimi

Sa spargem gheata!
Sa traim viata!!!
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