Baiat cu aparat dentar (intrebare pentru fete)
Sondaj: ati respinge un baiat pe motiv ca poarta aparat dentar?
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Junior member 10 mesaje
Baiat cu aparat dentar (intrebare pentru fete)
scris pe 2 ian 2010 10:25 de sorin21
ati respinge un baiat pe motiv ca poarta aparat dentar? daca ar arata ok in rest? astepti pareri de la fete
sus |
Veteran member 273 mesaje
Re: intrebare pentru fete
scris pe 2 ian 2010 10:38 de Kari
ati respinge un baiat pe motiv ca poarta aparat dentar?  daca ar arata ok in rest?  astepti pareri de la fete
Si ce ca are aparat dentar?Toti cei pe care ii cunosc si au avut au acum dinti de reclama la Colgate Nu e nimic rau in asta...
PS:Cand cea mai buna prietena a trebuit sa poarte aparat dentar,toti ii spuneau "dintisor" 
Sex is just a journey not a destination
Love is the fresh air on a railway station
Sex is a big mountain you struggle to climb
Love is when on top you just look around
Sex is what you think about "wild'n free"
Love is the last leaf of a dying tree.
So when you're ridin' high
You might as well not see
The leaf beside the road
Falling from the tree...
sus |
Junior member 10 mesaje
Re: Re: intrebare pentru fete
scris pe 2 ian 2010 10:49 de sorin21
Si ce ca are aparat dentar?Toti cei pe care ii cunosc si au avut au acum dinti de reclama la Colgate  Nu e nimic rau in asta...
PS:Cand cea mai buna prietena a trebuit sa poarte aparat dentar,toti ii spuneau "dintisor"   
e bine cum gandesti tu..dar nah, de cand port asa ceva mi-a pierit pana si curajul de a vorbi c-o fata, daramite sa mai fac si altceva..
sus |
Veteran member 273 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: intrebare pentru fete
scris pe 2 ian 2010 11:00 de Kari
e bine cum gandesti tu..dar nah, de cand port asa ceva mi-a pierit pana si curajul de a vorbi c-o fata, daramite sa mai fac si altceva..
Hai ma ca nu-i chiar asa de rau...Gandeste-te la ce zambet o sa ai dupa!
Sex is just a journey not a destination
Love is the fresh air on a railway station
Sex is a big mountain you struggle to climb
Love is when on top you just look around
Sex is what you think about "wild'n free"
Love is the last leaf of a dying tree.
So when you're ridin' high
You might as well not see
The leaf beside the road
Falling from the tree...
sus |
Junior member 10 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Re: intrebare pentru fete
scris pe 2 ian 2010 11:03 de sorin21
pai ma gandesc, dar pana atunci...
nu mor un an de zile de acum in colo fara prietena, dar voiam sa aud pareri
sus |
Veteran member 273 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: intrebare pentru fete
scris pe 2 ian 2010 11:05 de Kari
pai ma gandesc, dar pana atunci...
nu mor un an de zile de acum in colo fara prietena, dar voiam sa aud pareri 
Poate iti faci si prietena...Cine a zis ca nu poti sa ai prietena daca porti aparat dentar?
Sex is just a journey not a destination
Love is the fresh air on a railway station
Sex is a big mountain you struggle to climb
Love is when on top you just look around
Sex is what you think about "wild'n free"
Love is the last leaf of a dying tree.
So when you're ridin' high
You might as well not see
The leaf beside the road
Falling from the tree...
sus |
Junior member 10 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: intrebare pentru fete
scris pe 2 ian 2010 11:08 de sorin21
Poate iti faci si prietena...Cine a zis ca nu poti sa ai prietena daca porti aparat dentar?  
pai m-am gandit ca unele fete te-ar respinge pt chestia daca te gandesti asa ti se duce tot curajul de a incerca ceva cu o fata...
sus |
Veteran member 273 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: intrebare pentru fete
scris pe 2 ian 2010 11:11 de Kari
pai m-am gandit ca unele fete te-ar respinge pt chestia daca te gandesti asa ti se duce tot curajul de a incerca ceva cu o fata... 
Nu te respinge nimeni cu putin creier...Stai relax ca o sa fie bine!
Sex is just a journey not a destination
Love is the fresh air on a railway station
Sex is a big mountain you struggle to climb
Love is when on top you just look around
Sex is what you think about "wild'n free"
Love is the last leaf of a dying tree.
So when you're ridin' high
You might as well not see
The leaf beside the road
Falling from the tree...
sus |
Expert member 614 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: intrebare pentru fete
scris pe 2 ian 2010 11:59 de yony
e bine cum gandesti tu..dar nah, de cand port asa ceva mi-a pierit pana si curajul de a vorbi c-o fata, daramite sa mai fac si altceva..
nu tre sa gandesty asa....
nu cred ca dak o fata te place, nu o sa vrea sa fie cu tine pt k ai aparat dentar....
nu e ceva iesit din comun stai linistit
sus |
Veteran member 295 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Re: intrebare pentru fete
si ce daca ai aparat dentar?!
be happy..bucura-te de nu te simti complexat din cauza asta
sus |
Veteran member 273 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: intrebare pentru fete
scris pe 2 ian 2010 12:33 de Kari
si ce daca ai aparat dentar?! 
be happy..bucura-te de nu te simti complexat din cauza asta 
Asa ziceam si eu... 
Sex is just a journey not a destination
Love is the fresh air on a railway station
Sex is a big mountain you struggle to climb
Love is when on top you just look around
Sex is what you think about "wild'n free"
Love is the last leaf of a dying tree.
So when you're ridin' high
You might as well not see
The leaf beside the road
Falling from the tree...
sus |
Junior member 10 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: intrebare pentru fete
scris pe 2 ian 2010 13:47 de sorin21
dar de exemplu daca ati cunoaste un tip pe net si pana la urma ati vorbi sa va intalniti, ati prefera sa va spuna dinainte ca are aparat dentar? e mai bine asa?
sus |
Veteran member 273 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: intrebare pentru fete
scris pe 2 ian 2010 13:55 de Kari
dar de exemplu daca ati cunoaste un tip pe net si pana la urma ati vorbi sa va intalniti, ati prefera sa va spuna dinainte ca are aparat dentar?  e mai bine asa? 
Iar iti faci griji?In pnm de aparat dentar! ))E foarte ok!Relax si take it easy!
Poti sa ii spui ca porti dar vezi sa nu fie ceva de genul:"Buna!Sunt Sorin si port aparat dentar.Tu cine esti?Nu conteaza...Tu ai aparat dentar?" 
Sex is just a journey not a destination
Love is the fresh air on a railway station
Sex is a big mountain you struggle to climb
Love is when on top you just look around
Sex is what you think about "wild'n free"
Love is the last leaf of a dying tree.
So when you're ridin' high
You might as well not see
The leaf beside the road
Falling from the tree...
sus |
Expert member 2314 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: intrebare pentru f
ar iti faci griji?In pnm de aparat dentar!))E foarte ok!Relax si take it easy!
Poti sa ii spui ca porti dar vezi sa nu fie ceva de genul:"Buna!Sunt Sorin si port aparat dentar.Tu cine esti?Nu conteaza...Tu ai aparat dentar?"
deja imi imaginez o faza de genul.
Deoarece fata avea o personalitate magnetica cand l-a sarutat i-a furat inima si maselele.
In pnm de aparat dentar!))E foarte ok!Relax si take it easy!
Deja imi imaginez o faza de genul:
-Bunicule, care este diferenta dintre o proteza si un aparat dentar ?
-Varsta, nepoate, varsta
"A phoenix is a mythical bird with a tail of beautiful gold and red plumage or purple and blue.
The bird was also said to regenerate when hurt or wounded by a foe, thus being almost immortal and invincible — it is also said that it can heal a person with a tear from its eyes and make them temporarily immune to death. The phoenix is a symbol of fire and divinity." ( Greek mythology )
"Creierul=locul geometric al neuronilor egal departati de inteligenta situati pe cercul purtator al centrelor de vointa" (Eu,Pasaroi_Cuminte)
sus |
Veteran member 273 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: intrebare pent
scris pe 2 ian 2010 14:13 de Kari
deja imi imaginez o faza de genul.
Deoarece fata avea o personalitate magnetica cand l-a sarutat i-a furat inima si maselele. aparatul dentar Si apoi au trebuit sa poarte amandoi si astfel au devenit mai uniti.Cat de frumoasa e dragostea! Happy end!
Sex is just a journey not a destination
Love is the fresh air on a railway station
Sex is a big mountain you struggle to climb
Love is when on top you just look around
Sex is what you think about "wild'n free"
Love is the last leaf of a dying tree.
So when you're ridin' high
You might as well not see
The leaf beside the road
Falling from the tree...
sus |
Expert member 2314 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: intrebare pentru fete
dar de exemplu daca ati cunoaste un tip pe net si pana la urma ati vorbi sa va intalniti, ati prefera sa va spuna dinainte ca are aparat dentar? e mai bine asa?
Sau, poti sa-i faci o surpriza, daca vrei sa reactioneze astfel:
"A phoenix is a mythical bird with a tail of beautiful gold and red plumage or purple and blue.
The bird was also said to regenerate when hurt or wounded by a foe, thus being almost immortal and invincible — it is also said that it can heal a person with a tear from its eyes and make them temporarily immune to death. The phoenix is a symbol of fire and divinity." ( Greek mythology )
"Creierul=locul geometric al neuronilor egal departati de inteligenta situati pe cercul purtator al centrelor de vointa" (Eu,Pasaroi_Cuminte)
sus |
Junior member 10 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: intrebare pentru f
scris pe 2 ian 2010 14:41 de sorin21
am facut topicul asta cu un scop, si nu era de a vedea filmulete funny scrie si in titlu, pentru fete, daca tu te simti..
mersi baby pentru parere
sus |
Veteran member 273 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: intrebare pentru f
scris pe 2 ian 2010 14:43 de Kari
normal ca e mai bine sa anunte
mai sincer nu stiu cate fete ar iesi cu un baiat care are aparat dentar 
ziceti voi ca iesiti prea cred.
nu stiu cum e sa fii nevoit sa porti aparat dentar pt ca am dintii nici nu a fost nevoie sa ies cu un baiat care are.
deci nu stiu cum as reactiona 
Si de ce sa nu iesi cu un baiat cu aparat dentar?Daca el e ok ce are?Puteti face si haz de necaz si asa ii esti alaturi Funny-sa te saruti prin aparatul dentar  
PS aca maine ai afla ca trebuie sa porti aparat dentar timp de 2 ani si prietenul tau ti-ar spune ca te parasese din cauza asta?
Sex is just a journey not a destination
Love is the fresh air on a railway station
Sex is a big mountain you struggle to climb
Love is when on top you just look around
Sex is what you think about "wild'n free"
Love is the last leaf of a dying tree.
So when you're ridin' high
You might as well not see
The leaf beside the road
Falling from the tree...
sus |
Expert member 2314 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: intrebare pent
am facut topicul asta cu un scop, si nu era de a vedea filmulete funny
Pai unde dai si unde crapa 
scrie si in titlu, pentru fete, daca tu te simti..
Se presupune ca unele intrebari isi au un raspuns logic de la sine... sau nu in cazul de fata.
"A phoenix is a mythical bird with a tail of beautiful gold and red plumage or purple and blue.
The bird was also said to regenerate when hurt or wounded by a foe, thus being almost immortal and invincible — it is also said that it can heal a person with a tear from its eyes and make them temporarily immune to death. The phoenix is a symbol of fire and divinity." ( Greek mythology )
"Creierul=locul geometric al neuronilor egal departati de inteligenta situati pe cercul purtator al centrelor de vointa" (Eu,Pasaroi_Cuminte)
sus |
Veteran member 273 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: intrebare pent
scris pe 2 ian 2010 14:44 de Kari
am facut topicul asta cu un scop, si nu era de a vedea filmulete funny  scrie si in titlu, pentru fete, daca tu te simti..
mersi baby pentru parere 
Eu incerc sa te ajut si tu? Cu ce am gresit?
Sex is just a journey not a destination
Love is the fresh air on a railway station
Sex is a big mountain you struggle to climb
Love is when on top you just look around
Sex is what you think about "wild'n free"
Love is the last leaf of a dying tree.
So when you're ridin' high
You might as well not see
The leaf beside the road
Falling from the tree...
sus |
Expert member 2314 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: intrebare
Eu incerc sa te ajut si tu?  Cu ce am gresit? 
Nu draga, se referea la mine.
"A phoenix is a mythical bird with a tail of beautiful gold and red plumage or purple and blue.
The bird was also said to regenerate when hurt or wounded by a foe, thus being almost immortal and invincible — it is also said that it can heal a person with a tear from its eyes and make them temporarily immune to death. The phoenix is a symbol of fire and divinity." ( Greek mythology )
"Creierul=locul geometric al neuronilor egal departati de inteligenta situati pe cercul purtator al centrelor de vointa" (Eu,Pasaroi_Cuminte)
sus |
Veteran member 273 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: intreb
scris pe 2 ian 2010 14:48 de Kari
Nu draga, se referea la mine. 
No fratilor lasati-l pe cocosel in pace ca-i "pretinu meu"
Sex is just a journey not a destination
Love is the fresh air on a railway station
Sex is a big mountain you struggle to climb
Love is when on top you just look around
Sex is what you think about "wild'n free"
Love is the last leaf of a dying tree.
So when you're ridin' high
You might as well not see
The leaf beside the road
Falling from the tree...
sus |
Junior member 10 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: intrebare
scris pe 2 ian 2010 15:27 de sorin21
ai o problema asa grava cu dintii? de cand porti aparatul dentar?
se cunoaste chiar atat de tare?
eu din cate am auzit exista unele atat de finute incat abia se observa.
in plus e spre binele tau...

pai..daca vrei sa stii cum arata cauta pe google "braces" sau "aparat dentar" 
problema nu a fost grava la mine, il am de 6 luni si dintii sunt drepti deja .. dar mai trebuie purtat..
sus |
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