Melodii preferate

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1322 mesaje

Melodii preferate

scris pe 4 dec 2005 22:03 de LonelyGirl

I'm scared
So afraid to show I care
Will he think me weak
If I tremble when I speak
Oooh - what if
There's another one he's thinking of
Maybe he's in love
I'd feel like a fool
Life can be so cruel
I don't know what to do

I've been there
With my heart out in my hand
But what you must understand
You can't let the chance
To love him pass you by

Should I

Tell him
Tell him that the sun and moon
Rise in his eyes
Reach out to him
And whisper
Tender words so soft and sweet
Hold him close to feel his heart beat
Love will be the gift you give yourself

Touch him
With the gentleness you feel inside
Your love can't be denied
The truth will set you free
You'll have what's mean to be
All in time you'll see

I love him
Of that much I can be sure
I don't think I could endure
If I let him walk away
When I have so much to say

Love is light that surely glows
In the hearts of those who know
It's a steady flame that grows
Feed the fire with all the passion you can show
Tonight love will assume its place
This memory time cannot erase
Blind faith will lead love where it has to go

Ce-mi mai place asta...

Ti-e bine?Stai linistit, o sa treci si peste asta!

Dragostea catre Prietenie: Si daca eu exist, tu ce rost mai ai?
Prietenia: Eu las un zambet acolo unde tu lasi o lacrima...


Junior member
13 mesaje

Re: tell him

scris pe 4 dec 2005 22:16 de antinemesis

I'm scared
So afraid to show I care
Will he think me weak
If I tremble when I speak
Oooh - what if
There's another one he's thinking of
Maybe he's in love
I'd feel like a fool
Life can be so cruel
I don't know what to do

I've been there
With my heart out in my hand
But what you must understand
You can't let the chance
To love him pass you by

Should I

Tell him
Tell him that the sun and moon
Rise in his eyes
Reach out to him
And whisper
Tender words so soft and sweet
Hold him close to feel his heart beat
Love will be the gift you give yourself

Touch him
With the gentleness you feel inside
Your love can't be denied
The truth will set you free
You'll have what's mean to be
All in time you'll see

I love him
Of that much I can be sure
I don't think I could endure
If I let him walk away
When I have so much to say

Love is light that surely glows
In the hearts of those who know
It's a steady flame that grows
Feed the fire with all the passion you can show
Tonight love will assume its place
This memory time cannot erase
Blind faith will lead love where it has to go

Ce-mi mai place asta...

cine canta asta?
mie imi place melodia aia pe care-o canta Shakira "don't bother"
Don't bother , I won't die
promise you won't never see me cry
don't feel sorry
don't bother i'll be fine"
e super!


Expert member
1322 mesaje

Re: Re: tell him

scris pe 4 dec 2005 22:18 de LonelyGirl

cine canta asta?
mie imi place melodia aia pe care-o canta Shakira "don't bother"
Don't bother , I won't die
promise you won't never see me cry
don't feel sorry
don't bother i'll be fine"
e super!

Asta o canta Celine Dion si se cheama Tel him.
Ia posteaza si tu aici versurile alea.

Ti-e bine?Stai linistit, o sa treci si peste asta!

Dragostea catre Prietenie: Si daca eu exist, tu ce rost mai ai?
Prietenia: Eu las un zambet acolo unde tu lasi o lacrima...


Junior member
13 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: tell him

scris pe 4 dec 2005 23:55 de antinemesis

Asta o canta Celine Dion si se cheama Tel him.
Ia posteaza si tu aici versurile alea.

Sigur...Sa traiti!

She's got the kind of look that defies gravity
She's the greatest cook
And she's fat free

She's been to private school
And she speaks perfect French
She's got the perfect friends
Oh isn't she cool

She practices Tai Chi
She'd never lose her nerve
She's more than you deserve
She's just far better than me

So Don't Bother
I won't die of deception
I promise you won't ever see me cry
Don't feel sorry

And Don't Bother
I'll be fine
But she's waiting
The ring you gave to her will lose its shine
So Don't Bother, be unkind

I'm sure she doesn't know
How to touch you like I would
I beat her at that one good
Don't you think so?

She's almost 6 feet tall
She must think I'm a flea
I'm really a cat you see
And it's not my last life at all

So Don't Bother
I won't die of deception
I promise you won't ever see me cry
Don't feel sorry

Don't Bother
I'll be fine
But she's waiting
The ring you gave to her will lose its shine
So don't bother, be unkind

For you, I'd give up all I own
And move to a communist country
If you came with me, of course
And I'd file my nails so they don't hurt you
And lose those pounds, and learn about football
If it made you stay, but you won't, but you won't

So Don't Bother,
I'll be fine, I'll be fine, I'll be fine, I'll be fine
Promise you won't ever see me cry

And after all I'm glad that I'm not your type
Promise you won't ever see me cry

Don't bother,
I'll be fine, I'll be fine, I'll be fine, I'll be fine
Promise you won't ever see me cry

And after all I'm glad that I'm not your type
Promise you won't ever see me cry

M-am executat, da???
Acum da-mi si tu melodia ca n-o gasesc pe nicaieri!


Expert member
15906 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: tell him

scris pe 5 dec 2005 00:26 de ExoticDream

Acum da-mi si tu melodia ca n-o gasesc pe nicaieri!

Am gasit-o eu, intra pe Messenger maine seara si te servesc daca-mi promiti ca schimbi nick-ul!

"Nu inteleg cum pot exista oameni indiferenti in aceasta lume, cum pot exista suflete care nu se chinuiesc, inimi care nu cred, simtiri care nu vibreaza, lacrimi care nu plang..."(E.Cioran)

"Nimeni pe lumea asta, barbat sau femeie, nu merita lacrimile tale. Iar cel care le merita nu te va face sa plangi..." (G.G.Marquez)


Junior member
13 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: tell him

scris pe 5 dec 2005 00:34 de antinemesis

Am gasit-o eu, intra pe Messenger maine seara si te servesc daca-mi promiti ca schimbi nick-ul!

am gasit-o si eu!
Nu-mi schimb nick-ul!
i'm loving it!


Expert member
2038 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: tell him

scris pe 5 dec 2005 02:52 de nemesis

am gasit-o si eu!
Nu-mi schimb nick-ul!
i'm loving it!

Vezi sa nu-ti stea Big Mac-ul in gat...

Why am I frank with you? Because we, my friend, face an evolutionary gap here...

Din ciclul: "Prostia-i mai mare decat fosta Uniune Sovietica", astazi va prezentam: Si ar fi trebuit atunci sa se gandeasca la faptul ca un intelectual nu face amor pe cuptor. Nicolae I. Nicolae, consilier al presedintelui Academiei Romane


Junior member
13 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: tell him

scris pe 5 dec 2005 07:41 de antinemesis

Vezi sa nu-ti stea Big Mac-ul in gat...

Nici o sansa! Nu-ti fac eu o asemenea bucurie! stiam ca ma confunzi cu alba ca zapada!


Expert member
1322 mesaje

Roxette - It must have been love

scris pe 5 dec 2005 18:58 de LonelyGirl

Lay a whisper on my pillow,
leave the winter on the ground.
I wake up lonely,
there's air of silence in the bedroom
and all around
Touch me now, I close my eyes and dream away.

It must have been love but it's over now.
It must have been good but I lost it somehow.
It must have been love but it's over now.

From the moment we touched, 'til the time had run out.
Make-believing we're together that I'm sheltered by your heart.
But in and outside I've turned to water like a teardrop in your palm.
And it's a hard winters day, I dream away.

It must have been love but it's over now.
It's all that I wanted, now I'm living without.
It must have been love but it's over now,
it's where the water flows, it's where the wind blows.

Mai ziceti si voi, ce piese mijto ascultati???

Ti-e bine?Stai linistit, o sa treci si peste asta!

Dragostea catre Prietenie: Si daca eu exist, tu ce rost mai ai?
Prietenia: Eu las un zambet acolo unde tu lasi o lacrima...


Expert member
15906 mesaje


scris pe 6 dec 2005 00:57 de ExoticDream

The Distance

The sky has lost it's color
The sun has turned to grey
At least that's how it feels to me
Whenever you're away
I crawl up in the corner
As I watch the minutes pass
Each one brings me closer to
The time you're comin' back

I can't take the distance
I can't take the miles
I can't take the time until I next see you smile
I can't take the distance
And I'm not ashamed
That with every breath I take I'm callin your name

But I can't take the distance

I still believe my feelings
But sometimes I feel too much
I make believe you're close to me
But it ain't close enough
Not nearly close enough

I can't take the distance
I can't take the miles
I can't take the time until I next see you smile
I can't take the distance
And I'm not ashamed
That with every breath I take I'm callin your name

I brave fire and I brave rain
To be by your side I'd do anything
I can't take the distance

I will go the distance
I will go the miles
That's how much you mean to me

'Cause I can't take the distance
I can't take these miles
I can't take the time until I next see you smile
I can't take the distance
And I'm not ashamed
That with every breath I take I'm calling your name
I can't take the distance

It's hard to remember
As long as you're away
When I find solace
There's only one way

"Nu inteleg cum pot exista oameni indiferenti in aceasta lume, cum pot exista suflete care nu se chinuiesc, inimi care nu cred, simtiri care nu vibreaza, lacrimi care nu plang..."(E.Cioran)

"Nimeni pe lumea asta, barbat sau femeie, nu merita lacrimile tale. Iar cel care le merita nu te va face sa plangi..." (G.G.Marquez)


Expert member
1322 mesaje

Re: .....

scris pe 6 dec 2005 16:25 de LonelyGirl

The Distance

The sky has lost it's color
The sun has turned to grey
At least that's how it feels to me
Whenever you're away
I crawl up in the corner
As I watch the minutes pass
Each one brings me closer to
The time you're comin' back

I can't take the distance
I can't take the miles
I can't take the time until I next see you smile
I can't take the distance
And I'm not ashamed
That with every breath I take I'm callin your name

But I can't take the distance

I still believe my feelings
But sometimes I feel too much
I make believe you're close to me
But it ain't close enough
Not nearly close enough

I can't take the distance
I can't take the miles
I can't take the time until I next see you smile
I can't take the distance
And I'm not ashamed
That with every breath I take I'm callin your name

I brave fire and I brave rain
To be by your side I'd do anything
I can't take the distance

I will go the distance
I will go the miles
That's how much you mean to me

'Cause I can't take the distance
I can't take these miles
I can't take the time until I next see you smile
I can't take the distance
And I'm not ashamed
That with every breath I take I'm calling your name
I can't take the distance

It's hard to remember
As long as you're away
When I find solace
There's only one way

Asta de cine e cantata?

Ti-e bine?Stai linistit, o sa treci si peste asta!

Dragostea catre Prietenie: Si daca eu exist, tu ce rost mai ai?
Prietenia: Eu las un zambet acolo unde tu lasi o lacrima...


Expert member
15906 mesaje

Re: Re: .....

scris pe 7 dec 2005 14:27 de ExoticDream

Asta de cine e cantata?

Nu stiu, melodia face parte din coloana sonora a filmului "Serendipity", la fel ca si cea de mai jos:

When You Know

When you know that you know who you love, you can't deny it.
Or go back, or give up, or pretend that you don't buy it.
When it's clear this time you've found the one, you'll never let him go
Cos you know and you know that you know.

When you feel in your skin in your bones and the hollow
Of your heart, there's no way you can wait till tomorrow.
When there isn't any doubt about it once you come this close
Cos you know and you know that you know.

You can feel love's around you like the sky 'round blue
This is how love has found you, now you know what to do.

When you know that you know who you need, you can't deny it.
Or go back, or give up, or pretend that you don't buy it.
When it's clear this time you've found the one, you'll never let him go
Cos you know and you know that you know.

And it's time you come in from the cold.
And you know that you know.

"Nu inteleg cum pot exista oameni indiferenti in aceasta lume, cum pot exista suflete care nu se chinuiesc, inimi care nu cred, simtiri care nu vibreaza, lacrimi care nu plang..."(E.Cioran)

"Nimeni pe lumea asta, barbat sau femeie, nu merita lacrimile tale. Iar cel care le merita nu te va face sa plangi..." (G.G.Marquez)


Expert member
1322 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: .....

scris pe 7 dec 2005 14:50 de LonelyGirl

Nu stiu, melodia face parte din coloana sonora a filmului "Serendipity", la fel ca si cea de mai jos:

When You Know

Sa mi le trimiti si mie cand ai timp.

Ti-e bine?Stai linistit, o sa treci si peste asta!

Dragostea catre Prietenie: Si daca eu exist, tu ce rost mai ai?
Prietenia: Eu las un zambet acolo unde tu lasi o lacrima...


Veteran member
416 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: .....

scris pe 7 dec 2005 18:34 de Farfalla

Mie imi place melodia asta noua de la James Blunt - Goodbye my lover:
Did I disappoint you or let you down?
Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?
'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun,
Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won.
So I took what's mine by eternal right.
Took your soul out into the night.
It may be over but it won't stop there,
I am here for you if you'd only care.
You touched my heart you touched my soul.
You changed my life and all my goals.
And love is blind and that I knew when,
My heart was blinded by you.
I've kissed your lips and held your head.
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
I know you well, I know your smell.
I've been addicted to you.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.

I am a dreamer but when I wake,
You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take.
And as you move on, remember me,
Remember us and all we used to be
I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile.
I've watched you sleeping for a while.
I'd be the father of your child.
I'd spend a lifetime with you.
I know your fears and you know mine.
We've had our doubts but now we're fine,
And I love you, I swear that's true.
I cannot live without you.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.

And I still hold your hand in mine.
In mine when I'm asleep.
And I will bear my soul in time,
When I'm kneeling at your feet.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.
I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.
I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.

Aaaa si mai imi place si cea de la Craig Armstrong - This love

Eu nu sunt altceva decat o pata de sange care vorbeste ...


Junior member
10 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: .....

scris pe 8 dec 2005 17:03 de cory

The lover after me
By Savage Garden

Here I go again, I promised myself
I wouldn't think of you today
It's been seven months and counting
You've moved on
I still feel exactly the same
It's just the that everywhere I go
All the buildings know your name like
Photographs and memories of love
Steel and granite reminders
The city calls your name and I can't move on

Ever since you've been gone
The lights go out the same
The only difference is
You call another name
To your love
To your lover now
To your love
The lover after me

Am I all alone in the universe?
There's no love on these streets
I have given mine away to a world
That didn't want it anyway
So this is my new freedom
It's funny, but I don't remember being chained
But nothing seems to make sense anymore
Without you I'm always twenty minutes late

Ever since you've been gone
The lights go out the same
The only difference is
You call another name
To your love
To your lover now
To your love
The lover after me

And time goes by so slowly
The nights are cold and lonely
I shouldn't be holding on
But I'm still holding on for you

Here I go again, I promised myself
I wouldn't think of you today
But I'm standing at your doorway
I'm calling out your name 'cause I can't move on

Ever since you've been gone
The lights go out the same
The only difference is
You call another name
To your love
To your lover now
To your love
The lover after me


Expert member
6465 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: .....

scris pe 8 dec 2005 18:18 de valentine

Dar cine-i mare barosan?
Da barosan de barosan
Da barosanul number 1


Expert member
1322 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: .....

scris pe 8 dec 2005 19:01 de LonelyGirl

Dar cine-i mare barosan?
Da barosan de barosan
Da barosanul number 1

Asta mi-o canta copiii zilnic la gradinita de vreo...3 saptamani.
(sa mor de stiu pe ce au asociat versurile).

Ti-e bine?Stai linistit, o sa treci si peste asta!

Dragostea catre Prietenie: Si daca eu exist, tu ce rost mai ai?
Prietenia: Eu las un zambet acolo unde tu lasi o lacrima...


Expert member
6465 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: .....

scris pe 8 dec 2005 21:33 de valentine

Asta mi-o canta copiii zilnic la gradinita de vreo.

Vezi ca ma dai de gol, care este institutia in care invat eu....


Expert member
1322 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: .....

scris pe 8 dec 2005 21:52 de LonelyGirl

Vezi ca ma dai de gol, care este institutia in care invat eu....

Gradinita???Stiam de mult valentine.

Ti-e bine?Stai linistit, o sa treci si peste asta!

Dragostea catre Prietenie: Si daca eu exist, tu ce rost mai ai?
Prietenia: Eu las un zambet acolo unde tu lasi o lacrima...


Expert member
15906 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: .....

scris pe 9 dec 2005 01:14 de ExoticDream

Vezi ca ma dai de gol, care este institutia in care invat eu....

Aha.... Sa inteleg ca faza cu cresa a fost depasita intr-un tarziu?

"Nu inteleg cum pot exista oameni indiferenti in aceasta lume, cum pot exista suflete care nu se chinuiesc, inimi care nu cred, simtiri care nu vibreaza, lacrimi care nu plang..."(E.Cioran)

"Nimeni pe lumea asta, barbat sau femeie, nu merita lacrimile tale. Iar cel care le merita nu te va face sa plangi..." (G.G.Marquez)


Expert member
6465 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: .....

scris pe 9 dec 2005 16:06 de valentine

Aha.... Sa inteleg ca faza cu cresa a fost depasita intr-un tarziu?

Am dat spaga si pe aia am trecut-o cu viteza luminii


Expert member
15906 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: .....

scris pe 9 dec 2005 16:25 de ExoticDream

Am dat spaga si pe aia am trecut-o cu viteza luminii

Micule Einstein, daca ti-ai pastrat viteza luminii, spune-mi si mie cat spatiu ai parcurs?

"Nu inteleg cum pot exista oameni indiferenti in aceasta lume, cum pot exista suflete care nu se chinuiesc, inimi care nu cred, simtiri care nu vibreaza, lacrimi care nu plang..."(E.Cioran)

"Nimeni pe lumea asta, barbat sau femeie, nu merita lacrimile tale. Iar cel care le merita nu te va face sa plangi..." (G.G.Marquez)


Expert member
6465 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ..

scris pe 9 dec 2005 18:25 de valentine

Micule Einstein, daca ti-ai pastrat viteza luminii, spune-mi si mie cat spatiu ai parcurs?

Nu stiu, dar vreau o casa mai spatioasa


Expert member
6465 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re

scris pe 10 dec 2005 18:05 de valentine

Smechere-i nevasta mea,
Dar nu mai mult decat mine.
Vrea sa fac ce zice ea,
Zic ca ea si fac ca mine.

Nevasta ma cicaleste,
Dar din suflet ma iubeste.
Ca asa e femeia facuta,
Sa ii placa vorba multa.

Cand vin obosit acasa,
Zice ca am fost la femei.
Ma miroase la camasa,
Sa vada parfumul ei.

Dar nevasta mea no stie...
Amanta ce o am acum,
Sa nu am vreo bucurie
I-am luat acelasi parfum.

Mie asta imi place


Expert member
6465 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re

scris pe 13 dec 2005 21:47 de valentine

"Ce mult te-am mai iubit,
Dar tu m-ai amagit,
Mi-ai inselat increderea...
Orice s-ar intampla,
Sa stii iubirea mea,
Ca nu mai cred in vorba ta.

Nu mai cred vorbele tale,
M-ai mintit prea mult...
Poate stai si te intrebi
De ce m-ai pierdut.

Nu stiu de ce te-am iubit,
Nu stiu de ce am stat si am suferit.
Tu nu ai meritat iubirea mea
Si m-ai facut sa imi pierd increderea.

Sa stii ca imi pare rau,
Dar nu sunt de vina eu,
Asta e numai vina ta...
Tu nu stii sa iubesti,
Tu nu stii ce iti doresti
Si te-ai jucat cu viata mea."

Misto canta prietenul meu Vijelie...


Expert member
15906 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re

scris pe 13 dec 2005 23:42 de ExoticDream

Misto canta prietenul meu V...

Nu parea prea suferind printre palmieri!

"Nu inteleg cum pot exista oameni indiferenti in aceasta lume, cum pot exista suflete care nu se chinuiesc, inimi care nu cred, simtiri care nu vibreaza, lacrimi care nu plang..."(E.Cioran)

"Nimeni pe lumea asta, barbat sau femeie, nu merita lacrimile tale. Iar cel care le merita nu te va face sa plangi..." (G.G.Marquez)


Expert member
6465 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re

scris pe 14 dec 2005 00:27 de valentine

Nu parea prea suferind printre palmieri!

Las ca sufera altii si pt el...


Expert member
15906 mesaje

You lost me little by little

scris pe 14 dec 2005 15:49 de ExoticDream

Gubia te bavno


I cried for you every night
You don't know how I was waiting for you
I wanted to turn back time but.....
Sorry....... I couldn't
And I lose you little by little

I am tired to forgive you for every lie
And every guilt
You broke one dream/hope
You killed the love
You will beg me to forgive you
Again, but
I won't

"Nu inteleg cum pot exista oameni indiferenti in aceasta lume, cum pot exista suflete care nu se chinuiesc, inimi care nu cred, simtiri care nu vibreaza, lacrimi care nu plang..."(E.Cioran)

"Nimeni pe lumea asta, barbat sau femeie, nu merita lacrimile tale. Iar cel care le merita nu te va face sa plangi..." (G.G.Marquez)


Senior member
83 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: .....

scris pe 14 dec 2005 19:17 de miky

Mie imi place melodia asta noua de la James Blunt - Goodbye my lover:
Did I disappoint you or let you down?
Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?
'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun,
Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won.
So I took what's mine by eternal right.
Took your soul out into the night.
It may be over but it won't stop there,
I am here for you if you'd only care.
You touched my heart you touched my soul.
You changed my life and all my goals.
And love is blind and that I knew when,
My heart was blinded by you.
I've kissed your lips and held your head.
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
I know you well, I know your smell.
I've been addicted to you.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.

I am a dreamer but when I wake,
You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take.
And as you move on, remember me,
Remember us and all we used to be
I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile.
I've watched you sleeping for a while.
I'd be the father of your child.
I'd spend a lifetime with you.
I know your fears and you know mine.
We've had our doubts but now we're fine,
And I love you, I swear that's true.
I cannot live without you.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.

And I still hold your hand in mine.
In mine when I'm asleep.
And I will bear my soul in time,
When I'm kneeling at your feet.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.
I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.
I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.

Aaaa si mai imi place si cea de la Craig Armstrong - This love

Este super!Asculta tot albumul pt. ca are versuri minunate...


Senior member
56 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: .....

scris pe 15 dec 2005 01:32 de spleen

I would die for you
I would die for you
I've been dying just to feel you by my side
To know that you're mine

I will cry for you
I will cry for you
I will wash away your pain with all my tears
And drown your fear

I will pray for you
I will pray for you
I will sell my soul for something pure and true
Someone like you

See your face ever place that I walk in
Hear your voice every time that I'm talking
You will believe in me
And I will never be ignored

I will burn for you
Feel pain for you
I will twist the knife and bleed my aching heart
And tear it apart

I will lie for you
Beg and steal for you
I will crawl on hands and knees until you see
You're just like me

Violate all the love that I'm missing
Throw away all the pain that I'm living
You will believe in me
And I could never be ignored

I would die for you
I would kill for you
I would steal for you
I'd do time for you
I would wait for you
I'd make room for you
I'd sail ships for you
To be close to you
To be part of you
'Cause I believe in you
I believe in you
I would die for you
Pagina 1 din 15
1   2   3   4 ... 15   »


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