Melodii preferate

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Expert member
607 mesaje

Re: Melodii preferate

scris pe 12 iun 2006 12:06 de Duduia

chirila mi se pare mult prea bun ca si actor,e foarte talentat. pacat ca nu se fac atat de multi bani si acolo. probabil de asta nu imi place vama veche deloc.

I am a thounsand kisses deep... dar nu azi


Veteran member
154 mesaje

Re: Melodii preferate

scris pe 26 iun 2006 09:28 de alin4alin

You ready?! Lets go!
Yeah, for those of you that want to know what we're all about
It's like this y'all (c'mon!)

This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

[ Mike Shinoda ]
Mike! - He doesn't need his name up in lights
He just wants to be heard whether it's the beat or the mic
He feels so unlike everybody else, alone
In spite of the fact that some people still think that they know him
But fuck em, he knows the code
It's not about the salary
It's all about reality and making some noise
Makin the story - makin sure his clique stays up
That means when he puts it down Tak's pickin it up! let's go!

[ Takbir ]
Who the hell is he anyway?
He never really talks much
Never concerned with status but still leavin them star struck
Humbled through opportunities given to him despite the fact
That many misjudge him because he makes a livin from writin raps
Put it together himself, now the picture connects
Never askin for someone's help, to get some respect
He's only focused on what he wrote, his will is beyond reach
And now when it all unfolds, the skill of an artist

[ Ryu ]
It's just twenty percent skill
Eighty percent beer Be a hundred percent clear cause Ryu is ill
Who would've thought that he'd be the one that set the west in flames
That I heard him wreckin with The Crystal Method, "Name Of The Game"
Came back dropped Megadef, took em to church
I like bleach man, ryu had the stupidest verse?
This dude is the truth, now everybody be givin him guest spots
His stock's through the roof I heard he fuckin with S. Dot!


[ Ryu ]
They call him Ryu The Sick
And he's spittin fire with Mike
Got him out the dryer he's hot
Found him in Fort Minor with Tak
Been a fuckin annihilist porcupine
He's a prick, he's a cock
The type woman want to be with, and rappers hope he get shot
Eight years in the makin, patiently waitin to blow
Now the record with Shinoda's takin over the globe
He's got a partner in crime, his shit is equally dope
You wont believe the kind of shit that comes out of this kid's throat

[ Takbir ]
Tak! - He's not your everyday on the block
He knows how to work with what he's got
Makin his way to the top
People think its a common owners name
People keep askin him was it given at birth
Or does it stand for an acronym?
No he's livin proof, Got him rockin the booth
He'll get you buzzin quicker than a shot of vodka with juice
Him and his crew are known around as one of the best
Dedicated to what they doin give a hundred percent

[ Mike Shinoda ]
Forget Mike - Nobody really knows how or why he works so hard
It seems like he's never got time
Because he writes every note and he writes every line
And I've seen him at work when that light goes on in his mind
It's like a design is written in his head every time
Before he even touches a key or speaks in a rhyme
And those motherfuckers he runs with, those kids that he signed?
Ridiculous, without even trying, how do they do it?!

[Chorus - repeat 2x]

[Outro - Mike Shinoda]
Yeah! Fort Minor
M. Shinoda - Styles of Beyond
Ryu! Takbir! Machine Shop!

YEAAAAH ... Fort Minor rullez

Come on come on
I see no changes wake up in the morning and I ask myself
is life worth living should I blast myself?
I'm tired of bein' poor & even worse I'm black
my stomach hurts so I'm lookin' for a purse to snatch
Cops give a damn about a negro
pull the trigger kill a nigga he's a hero
Give the crack to the kids who the hell cares
one less hungry mouth on the welfare
First ship 'em dope & let 'em deal the brothers
give 'em guns step back watch 'em kill each other
It's time to fight back that's what Huey said
2 shots in the dark now Huey's dead
I got love for my brother but we can never go nowhere
unless we share with each other
We gotta start makin' changes
learn to see me as a brother instead of 2 distant strangers
and that's how it's supposed to be
How can the Devil take a brother if he's close to me?
I'd love to go back to when we played as kids
but things changed, and that's the way it is

[Bridge w/ changing ad libs]
Come on come on
That's just the way it is
Things'll never be the same
That's just the way it is
aww yeah

I see no changes all I see is racist faces
misplaced hate makes disgrace to races
We under I wonder what it takes to make this
one better place, let's erase the wasted
Take the evil out the people they'll be acting right
'cause both black and white is smokin' crack tonight
and only time we chill is when we kill each other
it takes skill to be real, time to heal each other
And although it seems heaven sent
We ain't ready, to see a black President, uhh
It ain't a secret don't conceal the fact
the penitentiary's packed, and it's filled with blacks
But some things will never change
try to show another way but you stayin' in the dope game
Now tell me what's a mother to do
bein' real don't appeal to the brother in you
You gotta operate the easy way
"I made a G today" But you made it in a sleazy way
sellin' crack to the kid. " I gotta get paid,"
Well hey, well that's the way it is


We gotta make a change...
It's time for us as a people to start makin' some changes.
Let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live
and let's change the way we treat each other.
You see the old way wasn't working so it's on us to do
what we gotta do, to survive.

And still I see no changes can't a brother get a little peace
It's war on the streets & the war in the Middle East
Instead of war on poverty they got a war on drugs
so the police can bother me
And I ain't never did a crime I ain't have to do
But now I'm back with the blacks givin' it back to you
Don't let 'em jack you up, back you up,
crack you up and pimp slap you up
You gotta learn to hold ya own
they get jealous when they see ya with ya mobile phone
But tell the cops they can't touch this
I don't trust this when they try to rush I bust this
That's the sound of my tool you say it ain't cool
my mama didn't raise no fool
And as long as I stay black I gotta stay strapped
& I never get to lay back
'Cause I always got to worry 'bout the pay backs
some buck that I roughed up way back
comin' back after all these years
rat-tat-tat-tat-tat that's the way it is uhh


John Cena rullz

B.U.G. Mafia Rullz

Paduchiosii(parazitii) --- sucks

Zambetul e al 2-lea lucru frumos pe care stie sa-l faca o femeie cu buzele (eu)

I live life in high speed slightly dellusioned by weed. (2pac - high speed)

Il consider mai puternic pe cel ce se invinge pe el insusi, decat pe cel ce isi invinge dusmanul. Este mai greu sa te invingi pe tine decat pe vrajmas. (Aristotel)

Every day you`re above ground is a good day. (Al Pacino "Tony Montana" - Scarface)

All I have in this world is my balls and my word and I don`t break them for anyone!(Al Pacino "Tony Montana" - Scarface)

Orice lucru bun in viata e ilegal, imoral sau ingrasa (din auzite)

_|_ mea e dulce, voi sunteti diabetice (zicala mea)



Expert member
3805 mesaje

Melodii preferate

scris pe 1 iul 2006 17:50 de SORIN28

Treaba asta merge special pt toti mancatorii de c***t cu dedicatie de la B.U.G. Mafia

Partea buna, partea buna,
Partea buna chiar acum ma sugi de p**a
Partea rea, partea rea
Partea rea e ca imi bag p**a in gura ta

Adica prima vrea sa zica ca ma bucur ca te fac
Iar a doua vrea sa zica ca ai belit p**a de fapt
Au trecut vreo 7-8 ani lasa-ma sa incerc
Si de atunci pana acum toata lumea este rap
Da` tot inca vorbesti de parca ai face ceva
De parca ai sti ceva
Ca te descurci cumva
Ca tu produci lovea
Ca ai ajuns cineva
Dar tot odata te gandesti chiar nu e deloc asa
Deci ce c***t ai mancat de atunci si pana acum
Ca tot c**t mananci si acum
Spun m**e pt m**e in g****a
Asta o sa-ti aminteasca ca venim la tine acasa
Sa ma respecti baga`ti`ai p**a in gat la fel ca pe ma-ta
Fiindca iti dau sa mananci acum ete`
Sti noi suntem baietii care fac banu` sa curga
Si tot suntem aia facem gaborii sa planga

Sunt multi in jurul tau care te fac sa te crezi tare
Tine minte ca o spun doar sa te sape in continuare
Ai produs niste bani, ai gasit drumul in viata
Le-ai spus ca ai si t***e cand suntem fata-n fata

Sunt multi in jurul tau care te fac sa te crezi tare
Tine minte ca o spun doar sa te sape in continuare
Ai produs niste bani, ai gasit drumul in viata
Le-ai spus ca ai si t***e cand suntem fata-n fata

Unu cu toti, toti cu unu asa tot inainte
Ca-mi bag p**a in voi tin sa va aduc aminte
Inaite vreau sa spun ca ti`o pun anal
Dupa care poti sa treci sa ti-o pun direct bucal
Asta ca sa`ti vorbesc in termeni mai stiintifici
Si daca nu cunosti termenii poti sa`i verifici
Ce zici? mai bine daca ai sta in banca ta,
Ar fi mai bine pt tine sa nu ajungi la p**a mea,
in gura ta
Si in a lu` ma-ta, ti`ai luat cagula sa nu vezi ca ma sugi de p**a
Baietii de cartier ti`au facut`o iar
Degeaba tot incerci sa te ridici, e in zadar
Dar ultima sansa a ta e peste granita
Aduna`ti toata gasca baga`i pe toti in ranitza
Si daca nici acolo n`o poti sa`ti ti gura
Casac`o inca o data, e indirect manca`mi`ai p**a

Nu stiu de ce constituie atractie c****e mele
De fiecare data tu iti lipesti palma de ele
Vino cu mine prostule iti ofer ocazie
Iti fac reducere la femeia ta pana`n decembrie
In ianuarie ti`am aratat de ce mananci c**t
Nu ai schimbat nimic desi ai incercat un pic
Cine e cel mai bun
Poate tu ca noi nu, stii tu noi avem banu`

( asta a fost..)

Sunt multi in jurul tau care te fac sa te crezi tare
Tine minte ca o spun doar sa te sape in continuare
Ai produs niste bani, ai gasit drumul in viata
Le-ai spus ca ai si t***e cand suntem fata-n fata

Sunt multi in jurul tau care te fac sa te crezi tare
Tine minte ca o spun doar sa te sape in continuare
Ai produs niste bani, ai gasit drumul in viata
Le-ai spus ca ai sď t***e cand suntem fata-n fata

Radio Greu de difuzat


Expert member
3805 mesaje

Melodii preferate

scris pe 10 iul 2006 21:20 de SORIN28

Tapinarii - Sfârsit si început de lume

La revedere iubito a fost un vis frumos
L-am scris împreuna cu un creion gros
La revedere frumoaso a fost ceva trist
Pe care sa-l iei cu tine-n paradis.

La revedere ti-am spus, hai pleaca o data
Nu mai privi în urma ce a fost este soarta
Stiai ca asa se va întâmpla
Noi doi, poate, vom disparea.

La revedere mai fato tu chiar nu întelegi
Au fost niste clipe te rog sa le negi
Au fost niste vise care au disparut
Da-le înapoi au fost doar un împrumut.

Asta ne este viata si moartea
Un etern sfârsit si început
De lumi si de morti si de vieti mi-e totuna
Caci lumea e un etern nesfârsit.

Întelege o data ca nu e vina ta
Întelege mai fato ca vreau altceva
Întelege ca viata mai joaca si feste
Întelege ca nu e, chiar nu-i o poveste.

Refren: .....

Priveste-mi ochii ce mult i-ai iubit
Priveste-mi sufletul ce l-ai ocolit
Priveste-ti viata si spune-mi, are rost?
Sa fii cu mine fara folos.

Priveste minciuna frumoasa la început
Arunc-o în ghena si zi: a disparut
Arunca-ti viata spre altul mai bun
Care-o fi ala sa-l prefac în scrum.

Nu-ti cere viata' înapoi cum a fost
Nu-ti cere iubirea, nu are rost
Priveste înainte si uraste ce vezi
Caci uite cel nou îti va spune sa pleci.

Radio Greu de difuzat


Expert member
607 mesaje

Re: Melodii preferate

scris pe 11 iul 2006 16:27 de Duduia

Enchatress came to me
And said, meet met at the lake tonight

I hunt this song to the white
Through the shroud of snow I saw paradise
Pace, no more lies

Crestfallen soul
Rest for thid night
Love is here
Right here under my wings

I dream of wolves
With them I run
For me she lengthened the night
I am home
I am in peace

Crestfallen soul
Rest for this night
Love is here
Right here under my wings

Nightwish - White Night Fantasy

I am a thounsand kisses deep... dar nu azi


Expert member
3081 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: .....

scris pe 12 iul 2006 03:57 de Bozgoru

Eminem - I STILL don,t give a fuck !


Expert member
1180 mesaje

Re: Melodii preferate

scris pe 29 iul 2006 21:00 de mya

una dintre melodiile preferate :
Bobby Valentino - Slow down

I saw you walking
Down on Melrose
You looked like an angel
Straight out of heaven, girl
I was blown away by
Your sexiness
All I have to do is catch up to you

Slow down I just wanna get to know you
But don't turn around
Cuz that pretty round thing looks good to me
Slow down never seen anything so lovely
Now turn around
And bless me with your beauty, cutie

A butterfly tattoo
Right above your naval
Your belly button's pierced too just like I like it girl
Come take a walk with me
You'll be impressed by
The game that I kick to you
It's over and for reeaal

Like a flower fully bloomed in the summertime, you're ready
To be watered by this conversation, you're ready
I'm in awe cause you shine like the sun
Let me be the one to enjoy you
Let's kick it girl

[Hook x2]

Oh baby you know by now that I want you bad
I'm floating on thin air I can't come down
Cupid hit me already damn
Now I can't leave till seven digits are in my hand, my hand


[Hook x2]

Slow down never seen anything so lovely


Viata nu e alcatuita din numarul de respiratii, ci din momentele care iti taie respiratia.

Ce fiinta umbla dimineata in patru picioare, la amiaza in doua, iar seara in trei? Este omul in copilarie, la maturitate si la batranete.

Daca-ti depasesti limitele, esti pedepsit, daca nu ti le depasesti, nu esti om.

Unde anume se afla lacasul sufletului si al cugetului in corpul omenesc? In inima sau in cap?


Expert member
3805 mesaje

Re: Re: Melodii preferate

scris pe 26 aug 2006 11:13 de SORIN28

Adi de Vito - De ce ti-au inghetat sarutarile

Ma-ntreb de-a fost o gluma
Iubirea mea si a ta
Pleci fara nici o urma
Cum de ma poti uita?(x2)

Ref: De ce ti-au inghetat sarutarile fierbinti?
Oare m-ai inselat sau ai vrut sa ma minti?(x2)

Tu mi-ai ars visele
Si-mi curg lacrimile

Hai spune daca te simti bine cand ma privesti
Degeaba zambesti ca stiu bine ce gandesti
Nu te mai preface ca esti miloasa
Ma vezi plangand dar stiu ca nu-ti pasa
Iti mai aduci aminte cand plangeai
Jurai ca nu ma parasesti dar ma minteai
Asa mi-ai facut mereu ti-ai batut joc de mine
Si nu e bine ca pentru tine am renuntatla mine
Cu atata usurinta ma ranesti
Spui lucruri care ma lovesc tare
Si nu intelegi,ca
Am ramas la fel si te iubesc la fel
Ti-am rams fidel dar tu te-ai gandit la el
Te-am iertat de-atatea ori
Sa-mi spui cu ce sunt dator
Si decat sa te iert usor
Mai bine plec si mor de dor

Oare imi spuneai,vorbe de amor in zori
Ca dragostea n-o dai,pe-o mie de comori(x2)

Ref: De ce ti-au inghetat sarutarile fierbinti?
Oare m-ai inselat sau ai vrut sa ma minti?(x2)

Tu mi-ai ars visele
Si-mi curg lacrimile

In fiecare dimineata,cu lacrimi in ochi
Imi jurai k ma iubesti acum vad ce perversa esti
Si ca nu ma iubesti,doar ma chinuiesti
Ai stat langa mine doar sa ma ranesti
Nu pot sa cred dupa tot ce-ai facut
Ca ai tupeu sa ma scoti vinovat
Sa te prefaci ca pe mine ma faci
Ca intre noi nimic nu sa-ntamplat
Tot nu inteleg ce te face sa crezi
Ca o sa fim impreuna din nou
Poate ca te-ai gandit ca am uitat
Dar nu sunt ca el,poate
Poate ca vrei bani sau vrei altceva,poate
Poate ca in viata ta e altcineva
Nu stiu la ce sa ma gandesc in ochi cand te privesc
Te-ai schimbat asa mult,cum de te mai iubesc
Nu-mi pare rau daca pleci
Dar poate ai sa-ntelegi
Cat ai gresit
Cat de mult te-am iubit
Pentru tine a fost o gluma
Pentru mine o minciuna

Ma-ntreb de-a fost o gluma
Iubirea mea si a ta
Pleci fara nici o urma
Cum de ma poti uita?
Oare imi spuneai,vorbe de amor in zori
Ca dragostea n-o dai,pe-o mie de comori

Ref: De ce ti-au inghetat sarutarile fierbinti?
Oare m-ai inselat sau ai vrut sa ma minti?(x2)

Tu mi-ai ars visele
Si-mi curg lacrimile

Cu atata usurinta,ma ranesti
Spui lucruri care ma lovesc tare
Si nu intelegi,ca
Am ramas la fel,si te iubesc la fel
Ti-am rams fidel,dar tu te-ai gandit la el
Te-am iertat de-atatea ori
Sa-mi spui cu ce sunt dator
Si decat sa te iert usor
Mai bine plec si mor de dor

Ref: De ce ti-au inghetat sarutarile fierbinti?
Oare m-ai inselat sau ai vrut sa ma minti?(x2)

Tu mi-ai ars visele
Si-mi curg lacrimďle

Radio Greu de difuzat


Expert member
2314 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Melodii preferate

scris pe 30 aug 2006 07:02 de Pasaroi_Cuminte

BZN-Lay your head upon my Shoulder
BZN-oh me oh my
Shania Twain-From this moment On (melodia asta imi da lacrimi fie ca vreau sa nu sa plang )
Shania Twain-If wanna touch her ,ask
Shania Twain-I'm holdin'on to love
Shania Twain-Come on over
Shania Twain-You've got a way
Shania Twain-Man ! I feel like a woman ( =)) )
Shania Twain-You're still the one
Shania Twain-That don't impress me Much
Shania Twain-Whatever you do! Don't

"A phoenix is a mythical bird with a tail of beautiful gold and red plumage or purple and blue.
The bird was also said to regenerate when hurt or wounded by a foe, thus being almost immortal and invincible — it is also said that it can heal a person with a tear from its eyes and make them temporarily immune to death. The phoenix is a symbol of fire and divinity." ( Greek mythology )

"Creierul=locul geometric al neuronilor egal departati de inteligenta situati pe cercul purtator al centrelor de vointa" (Eu,Pasaroi_Cuminte)


Expert member
15906 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Melodii preferate

scris pe 30 aug 2006 19:08 de ExoticDream

Shania Twain-From this moment On
Shania Twain-You're still the one

N-as putea spune ca ai gusturi rele....

"Nu inteleg cum pot exista oameni indiferenti in aceasta lume, cum pot exista suflete care nu se chinuiesc, inimi care nu cred, simtiri care nu vibreaza, lacrimi care nu plang..."(E.Cioran)

"Nimeni pe lumea asta, barbat sau femeie, nu merita lacrimile tale. Iar cel care le merita nu te va face sa plangi..." (G.G.Marquez)


Expert member
6465 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Melodii preferate

scris pe 30 aug 2006 22:20 de valentine

Shania Twain

Nici eu nu as putea spune...


Expert member
15906 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Melodii preferate

scris pe 31 aug 2006 01:29 de ExoticDream

Nici eu nu as putea spune...

Mie imi place muzica, presupun ca tie fata.....

"Nu inteleg cum pot exista oameni indiferenti in aceasta lume, cum pot exista suflete care nu se chinuiesc, inimi care nu cred, simtiri care nu vibreaza, lacrimi care nu plang..."(E.Cioran)

"Nimeni pe lumea asta, barbat sau femeie, nu merita lacrimile tale. Iar cel care le merita nu te va face sa plangi..." (G.G.Marquez)


Expert member
6465 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Melodii preferate

scris pe 31 aug 2006 02:27 de valentine

Mie imi place muzica, presupun ca tie fata.....

Mie amandoua...


Expert member
2314 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Melodii preferate

scris pe 31 aug 2006 06:59 de Pasaroi_Cuminte

N-as putea spune ca ai gusturi rele...

N-am .
Enya - Adiemus
Enya-Only Time
Enya-One by One

"A phoenix is a mythical bird with a tail of beautiful gold and red plumage or purple and blue.
The bird was also said to regenerate when hurt or wounded by a foe, thus being almost immortal and invincible — it is also said that it can heal a person with a tear from its eyes and make them temporarily immune to death. The phoenix is a symbol of fire and divinity." ( Greek mythology )

"Creierul=locul geometric al neuronilor egal departati de inteligenta situati pe cercul purtator al centrelor de vointa" (Eu,Pasaroi_Cuminte)


Expert member
15906 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Melodii preferate

scris pe 31 aug 2006 13:29 de ExoticDream

N-am .
Enya - Adiemus
Enya-Only Time
Enya-One by One

Nice again. Ce spui de ceva Enigma?

"Nu inteleg cum pot exista oameni indiferenti in aceasta lume, cum pot exista suflete care nu se chinuiesc, inimi care nu cred, simtiri care nu vibreaza, lacrimi care nu plang..."(E.Cioran)

"Nimeni pe lumea asta, barbat sau femeie, nu merita lacrimile tale. Iar cel care le merita nu te va face sa plangi..." (G.G.Marquez)


Expert member
2314 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Melodii prefer

scris pe 31 aug 2006 17:59 de Pasaroi_Cuminte

Nice again. Ce spui de ceva Enigma?

Age of Leneliness
Return to inocence
Back to the river of belief
Beyound the invisible
Shadows in Silence

si bineinteles Era cu

alaturi de Vangelis cu albumele: Oceanic(1996) si Best OF apoi
cu Mythodea: Music for the NASA Mission: 2001 Mars Odyssey

"A phoenix is a mythical bird with a tail of beautiful gold and red plumage or purple and blue.
The bird was also said to regenerate when hurt or wounded by a foe, thus being almost immortal and invincible — it is also said that it can heal a person with a tear from its eyes and make them temporarily immune to death. The phoenix is a symbol of fire and divinity." ( Greek mythology )

"Creierul=locul geometric al neuronilor egal departati de inteligenta situati pe cercul purtator al centrelor de vointa" (Eu,Pasaroi_Cuminte)


Expert member
6465 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Melodii pr

scris pe 31 aug 2006 23:51 de valentine

Gata,s-a indragostit Exotica


Expert member
15906 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Melodi

scris pe 1 sep 2006 02:34 de ExoticDream

Gata,s-a indragostit Exotica

Spre stiinta ta, te informez ca melodiile despre care se face vorbire aici figureaza in lista mea Winamp de o eternitate!

P.S. Merge si-un Clayderman cand n-ai chef de voce...

"Nu inteleg cum pot exista oameni indiferenti in aceasta lume, cum pot exista suflete care nu se chinuiesc, inimi care nu cred, simtiri care nu vibreaza, lacrimi care nu plang..."(E.Cioran)

"Nimeni pe lumea asta, barbat sau femeie, nu merita lacrimile tale. Iar cel care le merita nu te va face sa plangi..." (G.G.Marquez)


Expert member
2314 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Me

scris pe 1 sep 2006 05:17 de Pasaroi_Cuminte

Spre stiinta ta, te informez ca melodiile despre care se face vorbire aici figureaza in lista mea Winamp de o eternitate!

P.S. Merge si-un Clayderman cand n-ai chef de voce...

Ave Maria.
Ballade Pour Adeline.
Bidge Over Trouble Water.
Careless Whisper.
Dolannes Melodie.
Einsames Herz.
From a Distance.
Fur Elise.
La Mer.
Love Story.
Moon River.
Parlez Mio D'Amor.
Plaisir D'Amour.
Strangers in the Night.
Super Dreaming Day.
Vaya Con Dios.
Chariots of fire.
Coeur fragile.
Ebony and ivory.
How deep is your love.
I have a dream.
Les nuages.
Only you.
Quand les enfants s'aiment.
Thorn birds.
Up where we belong.
Woman in love.


A Media Luz.
Adios Pampa Mia.
El Choclo.
El Dia Que Me Quieras.
La Cumparsita.
Mano a Mano.
Mi Buenos Aires Querido.
Sys Ojos se Cerraror.
Tomo y Obligo.

plus Clasicii

"A phoenix is a mythical bird with a tail of beautiful gold and red plumage or purple and blue.
The bird was also said to regenerate when hurt or wounded by a foe, thus being almost immortal and invincible — it is also said that it can heal a person with a tear from its eyes and make them temporarily immune to death. The phoenix is a symbol of fire and divinity." ( Greek mythology )

"Creierul=locul geometric al neuronilor egal departati de inteligenta situati pe cercul purtator al centrelor de vointa" (Eu,Pasaroi_Cuminte)


Expert member
6465 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re

scris pe 1 sep 2006 09:52 de valentine

Google go go go


Expert member
2314 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re

scris pe 1 sep 2006 09:55 de Pasaroi_Cuminte

Google go go go

nope, my memory go go go am 4 GB DDRAM din nastere

"A phoenix is a mythical bird with a tail of beautiful gold and red plumage or purple and blue.
The bird was also said to regenerate when hurt or wounded by a foe, thus being almost immortal and invincible — it is also said that it can heal a person with a tear from its eyes and make them temporarily immune to death. The phoenix is a symbol of fire and divinity." ( Greek mythology )

"Creierul=locul geometric al neuronilor egal departati de inteligenta situati pe cercul purtator al centrelor de vointa" (Eu,Pasaroi_Cuminte)


Expert member
6465 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re

scris pe 1 sep 2006 09:58 de valentine

nope, my memory go go go am 4 GB DDRAM din nastere

Inseamna ca ai placa de baza buna


Expert member
2314 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re

scris pe 2 sep 2006 15:36 de Pasaroi_Cuminte

Inseamna ca ai placa de baza buna

neah ) pe aia am 512 posstul anterior vorbeam metaforic

Elvis Presley- toata discografia
Queen (formatia veche)-toata discografia
George Enescu -Rapsodiile
Strauss Tatal
Strauss Fiul
Tchaikovsky-toata opera
Ludwic Van Beethoven-Simfoniile
Julio Iglesias -toata discografia

"A phoenix is a mythical bird with a tail of beautiful gold and red plumage or purple and blue.
The bird was also said to regenerate when hurt or wounded by a foe, thus being almost immortal and invincible — it is also said that it can heal a person with a tear from its eyes and make them temporarily immune to death. The phoenix is a symbol of fire and divinity." ( Greek mythology )

"Creierul=locul geometric al neuronilor egal departati de inteligenta situati pe cercul purtator al centrelor de vointa" (Eu,Pasaroi_Cuminte)


Expert member
6465 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re

scris pe 3 sep 2006 14:50 de valentine

neah ) pe aia am 512 posstul anterior vorbeam metaforic

Eu am 1gb si mai pun 512 in max 3 sapt

Ai vreo placa video buna de tot de vanzare?


Expert member
15906 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re

scris pe 3 sep 2006 19:12 de ExoticDream

neah ) pe aia am 512 posstul anterior vorbeam metaforic

Elvis Presley- toata discografia
Queen (formatia veche)-toata discografia
George Enescu -Rapsodiile
Strauss Tatal
Strauss Fiul
Tchaikovsky-toata opera
Ludwic Van Beethoven-Simfoniile
Julio Iglesias -toata discografia

Cafe del Mar (cam toata discografia)
Chris Spheeris (tot asa)
Bach (depending on the moods)
Wagner (sometimes)

Exclus: rock, hip hop, populara ( cu exceptia catorva chestii funny gen "Perinita" sau melodii maramuresene cantate de baieti)

"Nu inteleg cum pot exista oameni indiferenti in aceasta lume, cum pot exista suflete care nu se chinuiesc, inimi care nu cred, simtiri care nu vibreaza, lacrimi care nu plang..."(E.Cioran)

"Nimeni pe lumea asta, barbat sau femeie, nu merita lacrimile tale. Iar cel care le merita nu te va face sa plangi..." (G.G.Marquez)


Expert member
2314 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re

scris pe 3 sep 2006 21:00 de Pasaroi_Cuminte

Cafe del Mar (cam toata discografia)
Chris Spheeris (tot asa)
Bach (depending on the moods)
Wagner (sometimes)

Exclus: rock, hip hop, populara ( cu exceptia catorva chestii funny gen "Perinita" sau melodii maramuresene cantate de baieti)

Pai rock canta si AC DC ( aia care sunt curentati cand zbiara) Queen canta rock ,Rammstein canta rock
Dar NightWish care canta simfonic metal (unii sustin ca ar fi gothic metal) ? Majoritatea apartin rockului

Eu am 1gb si mai pun 512 in max 3 sapt

Ce faci cu atata memorie ?

"A phoenix is a mythical bird with a tail of beautiful gold and red plumage or purple and blue.
The bird was also said to regenerate when hurt or wounded by a foe, thus being almost immortal and invincible — it is also said that it can heal a person with a tear from its eyes and make them temporarily immune to death. The phoenix is a symbol of fire and divinity." ( Greek mythology )

"Creierul=locul geometric al neuronilor egal departati de inteligenta situati pe cercul purtator al centrelor de vointa" (Eu,Pasaroi_Cuminte)


Expert member
15906 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re

scris pe 3 sep 2006 21:18 de ExoticDream

Pai rock canta si AC DC ( aia care sunt curentati cand zbiara) Queen canta rock ,Rammstein canta rock
Dar NightWish care canta simfonic metal (unii sustin ca ar fi gothic metal) ? Majoritatea apartin rockului

Queen imi plac, restul insa nu, cu exceptia pieselor lente. Urasc (organic) tot ce este zbieret la 220V!

"Nu inteleg cum pot exista oameni indiferenti in aceasta lume, cum pot exista suflete care nu se chinuiesc, inimi care nu cred, simtiri care nu vibreaza, lacrimi care nu plang..."(E.Cioran)

"Nimeni pe lumea asta, barbat sau femeie, nu merita lacrimile tale. Iar cel care le merita nu te va face sa plangi..." (G.G.Marquez)


Expert member
6465 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re

scris pe 4 sep 2006 02:03 de valentine

Ce faci cu atata memorie ?

Rulez Oblivion IV la detalii maxime...da mai trebe si placa video noua

P.S NightWish canta gothic bla bla


Expert member
2314 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re

scris pe 4 sep 2006 17:15 de Pasaroi_Cuminte

Rulez Oblivion IV la detalii maxime...da mai trebe si placa video noua

P.S NightWish canta gothic bla bla

eee... tot metal este.
cred ca la fel e si Within Temptation
si oricum Within Tempation-Memories de cate ori o ascult imi bate inima si mi se face pielea gaina
"All of my memories keep you near
In silent moments imagine you'd be here
All of my memories keep you near
Your silent whispers, silent tears "

( stai! nu te gandi ca ma transform =)) ) ca nu am morfism )

"A phoenix is a mythical bird with a tail of beautiful gold and red plumage or purple and blue.
The bird was also said to regenerate when hurt or wounded by a foe, thus being almost immortal and invincible — it is also said that it can heal a person with a tear from its eyes and make them temporarily immune to death. The phoenix is a symbol of fire and divinity." ( Greek mythology )

"Creierul=locul geometric al neuronilor egal departati de inteligenta situati pe cercul purtator al centrelor de vointa" (Eu,Pasaroi_Cuminte)


Expert member
6465 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re

scris pe 4 sep 2006 17:34 de valentine

eee... tot metal este.
cred ca la fel e si Within Temptation
si oricum Within Tempation-Memories de cate ori o ascult imi bate inima si mi se face pielea gaina
"All of my memories keep you near
In silent moments imagine you'd be here
All of my memories keep you near
Your silent whispers, silent tears "

( stai! nu te gandi ca ma transform =)) ) ca nu am morfism )

Chiar asta vroiam sa iti zic..."ia uite-l transforma"

Ziii maaa ai vreo combinatie cu vreo placa video cu pixel shader minim 2.0 si 258mb? prea conteaza
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