Melodii preferate
Pagina 12 din 15
Re: Re: Melodii preferate
scris pe 16 feb 2008 22:07 de saddgfhrtyrt
Florin Salam - Asta seara vreau sa beau
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Re: Re: Re: Melodii preferate
scris pe 16 feb 2008 22:31 de prostako
Vad,ca ai gusturi!
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Junior member 20 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Melodii preferate
scris pe 16 feb 2008 22:39 de reao
♠ Through the darkness of future past,
the magician longs to see...
One chance out, between two Worlds -
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Senior member 128 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Melodii preferate
scris pe 19 feb 2008 16:23 de mist
am gasit-o !!! yeaaaay 
The Verve - bittersweet symphony
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Newbie 6 mesaje
Melodii preferate:
Kat Deluna Feat. Elephant Man - Whine Up
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Veteran member 409 mesaje
Re: Melodii preferate:
prea tare melodia asta...mai ai si sistem 5+1 :X:X:X
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Expert member 15906 mesaje
Am descoperit o voce interesanta...
Leonard Cohen!
If it be your will
That I speak no more
And my voice be still
As it was before
I will speak no more
I shall abide until
I am spoken for
If it be your will
If it be your will
That a voice be true
From this broken hill
I will sing to you
From this broken hill
All your praises they shall ring
If it be your will
To let me sing
From this broken hill
All your praises they shall ring
If it be your will
To let me sing
If it be your will
If there is a choice
Let the rivers fill
Let the hills rejoice
Let your mercy spill
On all these burning hearts in hell
If it be your will
To make us well
And draw us near
And bind us tight
All your children here
In their rags of light
In our rags of light
All dressed to kill
And end this night
If it be your will
If it be your will.
I saw you this morning.
You were moving so fast.
Can’t seem to loosen my grip
On the past.
And I miss you so much.
There’s no one in sight.
And we’re still making love
In My Secret Life.
I smile when I’m angry.
I cheat and I lie.
I do what I have to do
To get by.
But I know what is wrong,
And I know what is right.
And I’d die for the truth
In My Secret Life.
Hold on, hold on, my brother.
My sister, hold on tight.
I finally got my orders.
I’ll be marching through the morning,
Marching through the night,
Moving cross the borders
Of My Secret Life.
Looked through the paper.
Makes you want to cry.
Nobody cares if the people
Live or die.
And the dealer wants you thinking
That it’s either black or white.
Thank G-d it’s not that simple
In My Secret Life.
I bite my lip.
I buy what I’m told:
From the latest hit,
To the wisdom of old.
But I’m always alone.
And my heart is like ice.
And it’s crowded and cold
In My Secret Life.
Cu acelasi, va mai recomand:
Heart with no companion
A thousand kisses deep
Dance me to the end of love
.... si nu numai.....  
"Nu inteleg cum pot exista oameni indiferenti in aceasta lume, cum pot exista suflete care nu se chinuiesc, inimi care nu cred, simtiri care nu vibreaza, lacrimi care nu plang..."(E.Cioran)
"Nimeni pe lumea asta, barbat sau femeie, nu merita lacrimile tale. Iar cel care le merita nu te va face sa plangi..." (G.G.Marquez)
sus |
Expert member 514 mesaje
Re: Am descoperit o voce interesanta...
Puya feat Keo & Laura - Viata noua
:: Refren (Laura) ::
Fara tine vreau sa-ncep o viata noua
Nu conteaza daca-mi rupi inima-n doua
Chiar nu mai suport pe strada mea sa ploua
Vreau o viata noua, o viata noua
:: Strofa 1 (Puya) ::
Ti-am zis sa taci, nu stii ce faci
Ai uitat de unde ai plecat si imi faci mii de draci
Ai uitat cum arata casa ta
Cand te-am adus aici erai imbracata din Turcia
Ce-mi spui? Ca nu mai sunt bun acum? (ha ha..)
Ce-mi spui? Ca te-ai indragostit pe drum?
Asta-i multumirea ta, nu te credeam asa
Acum imi spui ca nu ma vrei, ai gasit dragostea
Ia zi! Cu ce e el mai bun ca mine ??
Ia zi! De ce crezi ca iti va fi bine ??
Ti-am pus aur la gat, peste tot te-am plimbat
Niciodata nu te-am lovit nu te-am injurat
Acuma vad, prea frumos m-am purtat
Draga mea, e clar ca ti s-a urcat la cap
Treci inapoi in pat, fa ce ai invatat
Fa-ti meseria cand te ||| ochii peste cap
:: Refren (Laura) (2x) ::
Fara tine vreau sa-ncep o viata noua
Nu conteaza daca-mi rupi inima-n doua
Chiar nu mai suport pe strada mea sa ploua
Vreau o viata noua, o viata noua
:: Strofa 2 (Keo & Puya) ::
Tu..Nu m-auzi..Cand iti spun..Te iubesc si imi doresc
Sa uitam.. Tot ce-a fost.. Din trecut sa te rapesc
Stiu ca vrei.. Altceva.. Viata ta o pot schimba
Pot sa-ti dau.. Tot ce vrei.. De acum fi doar a mea
Langa mine poti sa-ncepi o viata noua
Nu, nu ezita nu ma refuza
Niciodata n-o sa-ti rup inima-n doua
Nu, de langa mine nu pleca
Imi spui ca banii nu iti trebuie, vrei dragoste
Ca o sa-mi dai inapoi gentile, inelele
Masina, tot, te-ai schimbat
Imi spui ca ai gasit un barbat adevarat
Adu-ti aminte cum l-ai cunoscut
Imi spui ca nu conteaza ca tine la tine mult
Haha..Ce proasta esti, adu-ti aminte..
Caut domn generos, pentru o noapte fierbinte
Asa suna anuntu' tau de la Matrimoniale
Tu nu-ntelegi oare, omu' vroia relaxare
Pentru el e un joc, ca un joc de noroc
Tocmai cand ne mergea asa de bine tu renunti la tot
Hai, nu plange si suie-te-n masina, ploua
Esti chiar penibila, nu vezi ca e aproape doua?
Nu esti Julia Roberts, el nu e Richard Gell
O sa se termine prost, ca asta nu-i un film
@ Nu-i un film ..
@ Nu-i un film ..
@ Nu-i un film .
:: Refren (Laura) (2x) ::
Fara tine vreau sa-ncep o viata noua
Nu conteaza daca-mi rupi inima-n doua
Chiar nu mai suport pe strada mea sa ploua
Vreau o viata noua, o viata noua
Hai temrina cu circu asta... !
Te rog vino termina cu circu asta,nu vezi ca ne facem de ras ?!
Hai, hai lasasa tragedia asta !
UUUU, m-ai speriat!
Suie-te-n masina!
Lasa prostiile, suie-te-n masina!
Tu chiar crezi ca vrajeala astea tine?
Suie-te-n masina !
Asculta la mine, o sa ramai p drumuri !
Suie-te-n masina !
Hai ca se uita lumea la noi, suie-te-n masïna !
Connect-r feat. Alex-Daca Dragostea Dispare
Refren (Alex)
Daca dragostea dispare,
Viata mea n-are culoare,
Si doare tot mai tare,
Ploua incet…
Apare o intrebare
Se gandeste la mine oare?!
Unde sunt zilele cu soare?
Unde esti tu?
Strofa 1 (Connect R)
Incepe o moda noua
Si plangi la telefon
Imi spui ca un ai somn
Defapt un vrei sa dormi
Incepi sa imi explici prin cuvinte
Insa dragostea nu se explica, ea se simte
Am inteles ca ai deja p-alcineva
Si daca trebuie sa plec, eu plec
Dar un uita ca amintirile raman indifirent ce ce-ar urma
Poti sa rupi si pozele, le vei lipii inapoi candva
Dar cel mai rau ma doare faptul ca ma doare inca
Ma doare faptul ca credeam ca ne iubim si spun ca
Speranta ca te intorci ma tine tare ca o stanca
Mana dreapta o tin in falca, poza ta in mana stanga
Desii stam aproape acum, calea-i lunga
Gandul la tine-mi zboara
Si sper sa si ajunga
Daca te intrebi cumva ce fac mai nou, am pa’ piept o dunga
M-am operat pe suflet deschis caci rana e adanca.
Refren (Alex)
Daca dragostea dispare,
Viata mea n-are culoare,
Si doare tot mai tare,
Ploua incet…
Apare o intrebare
Se gandeste la mine oare?!
Unde sunt zilele cu soare?
Unde esti tu?
Strofa 2 (Connect R)
A trecut o zi, parca a trecut o saptamana
Defapt nici n-a trecut si te vad cu el de mana
Stau si il privesc si pe loc realizez
Ca diferenta dintre noi o face doar un Mercedes
Da probabil ca-s gelos si nu asa te-a cucerit
Sau poate e noul tau amic si eu am innebunit
I-am intors privirea, uimit de ce vedeam
Vreau sa ascult melodia ce ma alina cand ne certam
Parca sunt sedat, insetat, setat pe imaginea ei
Nu ma pot ridica deloc n-am loc deloc, deloc n-am loc in pat
Si nu stii cat ma chinui… ma chinui dar nu pot
La suferinta mea chiar nu exista anditot.
Si stiu ca va fi greu
Da-i mult mai bine asa
O voi iubii mereu
(Te voi iubi mereu mereu)
Si n-o s-o pot uita
(Nu nu un… n-am s-o pot uita)
E prima dragoste! Au! Poate ultima!
Refren (Alex)
Daca dragostea dispare,
Viata mea n-are culoare,
Si doare tot mai tare,
Ploua incet…
Apare o intrebare
Se gandeste la mine oare?!
Unde sunt zilele cu soare?
Unde esti tu?
Strofa 3 (Connect R)
Imi suna telefonul
N-a mai sunat de mult
0722… deja imi suna cunoscut
Raspund "Alo… Cine e?"
Si-mi inchide scurt
Poate a format gresit sau poate…
Dar suna din nou
Din nou spun "Alo"
Si o voce cunoscuta imi spune "Buna… Sunt eu"
Imi spune ca regreta
Si ca ar fi mishto sa discutam la o cafea
Ai uitat ca-mi face rau.
Imi zice "Am realizat ca doar cu tine pot sa fiu"
Ii spun "Nu te-ai uitat la ceas, totusi cat e de tarziu"
Imi cere sa o o iert pentru deranj
Raspunsul meu final e "Sunt Connect R, dupa beep lasati mesaj"
Refren x2 (Alex)
Daca dragostea dispare,
Viata mea n-are culoare,
Si doare tot mai tare,
Ploua incet…
Apare o intrebare
Se gandeste la mine oare?!
Unde sunt zilele cu soare?
Unde estï tu?
Justin Timberlake feat Timbaland, Three 6 Mafia - Chop me up
It's going down
Justin Timberlake
Three 6 Ma-ma-mafia
Dirty south
Dirty south
It's how we do what we do, man, when we do what we do
I know you see me looking, girl go on and act right
A little closer, let me see you in the spotlight
Now turn around and let me see just what ya curved like
Go grab your friends and y'all can come to the back, oh-oh
Why don't you take a sip upon this champagne
Relax, take your coat off, and let me get your name
I love that hour-glass shape you got upon that frame
I like the way you talk your game we might be one and the same
Now I know you got a buzz off that alcohol
I got a house that can entertain all of y'all
Maybe later on I'll give you a phone call
I'm 'bout to slide out, but I'll get back at ya, oh-oh
And when I call don't give me the run-around
I ain't gonna have you tryin' to play me like a silly clown
Don't second guess it, girl
There ain't nothin' to think about
'Cause you got me feigning, but girl you don't hear me
Little lady
You got me just
(screwed up)
Off of your melody
Little lady
C'mon and don't
(chop me up)
Please don't make a fool of me
Little lady
You got me just
(screwed up)
Off of your melody
Easy baby
C'mon girl don't
(chop me up)
Please don't make a fool of me
You're kinda cute
Baby, are you new in town?
My name is Tim
Aka Thomas Crown
I heard you're lost
Do you know your way around
If you gotta problem baby I can hold ya down
I can be your navigator
Or your compass
Better yet a genie baby make your first wish
You the party, baby
I'm just the guestlist
I think I need some Tylenol
You got me restless
So grab your friends
And let's take it back to my house
Let's watch Sex and the City or Desperate Housewives
Simon says touch yours while you touch mine
(parental discretion is advised)
Y'all can be the star in my spotlight
Studio 54 if we get the props right
All we need right now is a little bit, a little bit of act right
Y'all looking shy, but ya act like y'all don't hear me
Little lady
You got me just
(screwed up)
Off of your melody
Little lady
C'mon and don't
(chop me up)
Please don't make a fool of me
Little lady
You got me just
(screwed up)
Off of your melody
Easy baby
C'mon girl don't
(chop me up)
Please don't make a fool of me
[Three 6 Mafia:]
See girl you stronger than the strongest drug I ever had
You could mix 'em all together you still be twice as bad
'Cause you the worst best girlfriend I ever had
Harder to kick than cigarettes and green bags
Harder to escape than jail cells and bill bail
You had me lost since the felling girl and pigtails
Like Michael Jackson, "how you do me this way?"
Got me cryin' rivers like Timbaland and Timberlake, yeah
They call me Juicy J straight up out the Three 6 Mafia
Ghetto fab playa on these streets I'm tryin' a holla at ya
Quit playing games girl you got my head spinnin' 'round
I ain't gonna chirp your mobile phone and chase you all over town
I just want to pick you up and take you to a wrestling match
Is it good? Is it good?
And have a little smack fest
So if you never call me I'll be somewhere down in Tennessee
Washing away my sorrows in a cold cup of Hennessy
Little lady
You got me just
(screwed up)
Off of your melody
Little lady
C'mon and don't
(chop me up)
Please don't make a fool of me
Little lady
You got me just
(screwed up)
Off of your melody
Easy baby
C'mon gïrl don't
(chop me up)
Please don't make a fool of me
Screwed up
Chop me up
Screwed up
Off of your melody
Chop me up
Chingy feat Ludacris & Snoop Dogg - Holidae in
[Intro: Snoop Dogg]
Bomb ass pussy
Ma ooh you got that bomb, know you got it
Ma ooh, you got some bomb ass pussy
Ma I know you got that bomb bomb pussy
[Chorus: Snoop + (Girl)]
(Whachu doin?) Nothing chillin at the Holidae In
(Who you wit?) Me and my peeps won't you bring four of your friends
(What we gon' do?) Feel on each other and sip on some Hen
One thing leading to another let the party begin
[Chorus: Chingy + (Girl)]
(Whachu doin?) Nothing chillin at the Holidae In
(Who you wit?) Me and my peeps won't you bring four of your friends
(What we gon' do?) Feel on each other and sip on some Hen
One thing leading to another let the party begin
[Verse 1: Chingy]
Peeps call me up [phone ring] said it's a ho-tel party
Just bring the liquor it's already eight shawties
I'm on my way (way) let me stop by the store
Get a 12 pack of Corona, plus an ounce of 'dro, ya know?
Now I'm on Highway 270 to Natural Bridge Road
I'm already blowed, get there I'm a be be blowed some mo'
Pulled up, stop parked, rims still spinning
Valet look like he in the game and must be winning
To room 490 I'm headed, on my way up
There's three girls on the elevator like "wassup"
I told em follow me they knew I had it cracking B
One said "ain't you that boy that be on BET?"
"Ya that's me, Ching-a-ling equipped wit much ding-a-ling"
Knock on the door I'm on the scene of things
Busted in, Henny bottle to the face!
Fuck it then, feel like my head a toxic waste
There's some pretty girls in herre, I heard em whispering
Talking bout "that's that dude that sing 'Right Thurr' he glistening"
I ain't come to talk (talk) I ain't come to sit (sit)
What I came for was to find out who I'm gon hit, aww shit
[Chorus: Snoop + Chingy]
[Verse 2: Chingy]
Ma showed up like "what's the hold up?"
Man know what get them wraps and roll up
I took a chick in the bathroom seeing what's poppin
You know what's on my mind, shirts off and panties dropping
Niggaz knocking on the door drunk and acting silly
The girl said "can I be in yo video" I'm like "yeah!", "oh really?"
Now she naked strip teasing, me I'm just cheesing
She gave me a reason to be a damn heathen
Handled that, told ol' G, bring tha camera
Then I thought about it, no footage as I ram her
Walked out the bathroom smiling, cats still whiling
Sharing the next room wit some girls lookin like they from an island
[Chorus: Snoop + Chingy]
[Verse 3: Ludacris]
Stop, drop, KABOOM!, baby rub on ya nipples
Some call me Ludacris, some call me Mr. Wiggles
Far from little, make ya mammary glands jiggle
Got 'em under control, the bowl of tender biddles
Doc-tor giggles, I can't stop until it tickles
Just play a little "D" and I'll make ya mouth dribble
Bits and Kibbles, got 'em all after the pickle
I swing it like a bat, but these balls are not whiffle
Hit 'em in triples, wit no strikes, stripes, or whistles
I ain't felt this good, since my wood lived off a thistle
Sippin' some ripple, I got quarters, dimes, and nickels
For shizzle dizzle, I'm on a track with the Big Snoop Dizzle
Let the Henny trickle, down the beat, wit a ghetto tempo
I done blazed the instrumental, laid it plain and simple
Getting brain in the rental, I done did it again
My eyes chinky, I'm wit Chingy, at the Holidae In
[Chorus: Snoop + Chingy]
[Outro: Snoop Dogg]
Yeah, let the party begin, bitch
Ching-a-ling Ling, all the way in St. Louis
My nigga Chingy, Disturbing Tha Peace
Luda, Luda, going hard on you hoes
Yeah bitch, bring four of ya friends
Meet me at the Holidae In
Bring a gang of that Hen, some DSOP
Oh wee, and light that sticky icky
And we gone do the damn thing
Now what I'm talking bout
We gon' disturb the peace right now
Yeah we ain't doing nothing but chillin
We chillin' and nuttin'
Know what I'm talking bout, so push the button
You know what's happenin', fa shizzle, uh huh
Yeah bitch, trying to run from this pimpin'
You can't out run the pimpin' bïtch, I done told you
si altele
De ce e normal ca la 13 ani sa faci sex dar e anormal ca parintii tai sa faca sex?
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Newbie 6 mesaje
Melodii preferate:
Kat DeLuna Feat.Busta Rhymes-Run The Show
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Melodii preferate:
scris pe 26 mar 2008 16:39 de Mada
Giulia Feat. Gabriel - Te-am ales
Tare!Imi place!!
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Re: Re: Re: Melodii preferate:
scris pe 31 mar 2008 22:31 de asd
altceva mai stiti?
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Melodii preferate:
scris pe 31 mar 2008 23:18 de asd
Pai nu ma nene, dar deja sunt obositori astia cu "huaaa maneleeee". Au vazut ca e la moda sa fi anti-manele, gata toti anti-manele. Si eu la randul meu urasc incultura, nu sunt nici cel mai mare fan al tiganilor, dar totusi nu ma deranjeaza sa ascult o manea, precum nu ma deranjeaza sa ascult nici alte genuri de muzica.
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Melodii preferate:
scris pe 31 mar 2008 23:21 de asd
Pune-mi orice fel de muzica, sa fie macar acceptabila, deci nu ceva de genul heavy metal (singurul gen care nu il suport - vocile masculine care zbiara ca descreieratii si ei zic ca imita draci sau nu stiu ce prostii) si o ascult cu mare placere.
Ca fapt divers, in momentul de fata, melodia mea preferata este Alice Cooper - Poison.
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Expert member 514 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Melodii preferate:
Pune-mi orice fel de muzica, sa fie macar acceptabila, deci nu ceva de genul heavy metal (singurul gen care nu il suport - vocile masculine care zbiara ca descreieratii si ei zic ca imita draci sau nu stiu ce prostii) si o ascult cu mare placere.
Ca fapt divers, in momentul de fata, melodia mea preferata este Alice Cooper - Poison.
Ca fapt divers, eu nu suport vocile masculine si feminene care zbiara si imi zgarie timpanul producand ceea ce se cheama manea.
De ce e normal ca la 13 ani sa faci sex dar e anormal ca parintii tai sa faca sex?
sus |
Expert member 6465 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Melodii preferate
Ca fapt divers, eu nu suport vocile masculine si feminene care zbiara si imi zgarie timpanul producand ceea ce se cheama manea.
Atunci asculta ce iti place tie si lasa-i pe cei care nu sunt influentati de catre turma si asculta de toate
sus |
Expert member 6465 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Melodii p
Doar am spus ca nu imi plac manelele.
Numai cand am vazut ca apare scris Florin Salam am inchis fereastra Manelele sunt niste prostii idioate
Am retinut, dar nu a intrebat nimeni daca iti plac sau nu. Poate unora le plac...trebuie impuscati?
Ti-am zis, nici mie nu imi place heavy metal-ul, dar nu am nimic cu persoanele care asculta asa ceva si le doresc sa se distreze cat mai bine pe muzica care le place lor.
Gusturile nu se discuta! Punct
sus |
Expert member 514 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Melod
Am retinut, dar nu a intrebat nimeni daca iti plac sau nu. Poate unora le plac...trebuie impuscati?
Ti-am zis, nici mie nu imi place heavy metal-ul, dar nu am nimic cu persoanele care asculta asa ceva si le doresc sa se distreze cat mai bine pe muzica care le place lor.
Gusturile nu se discuta! Punct
Aici avem aceasi parere.
De ce e normal ca la 13 ani sa faci sex dar e anormal ca parintii tai sa faca sex?
sus |
Expert member 514 mesaje
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: M
Aici avem aceasi parere. Ce ziceti de "can leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"?
De ce e normal ca la 13 ani sa faci sex dar e anormal ca parintii tai sa faca sex?
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Melodii preferate:
scris pe 4 apr 2008 10:14 de asdasd
Tom Boxer Feat. Fly Project-Brasil
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