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Veteran member
366 mesaje

Re: alina alex-cum esti tu

scris pe 8 mai 2007 16:56 de bebysa

Atatea motive mi`ai dat sa te las..x2
E vina ta k am pierdut in tine increderea..

De ce esti cu mine atat de rea,de ce nu mai vrei dragostea mea?
De ce ma faci sa disperare sa ajung?!?
Cum poti sa iubesti pe altcineva si nu`ti pare rau de inima mea..,de ce sunt blestemat sa plang din cauza ta?

Atatea motive mi`ai dat sa te las,cand lacrimi amare imi curgeau pe obraz..
E vina ta k am pierdut in tine increderea..
Cat de mult te iubeam si tie nu iti pasa..
Acum e tarziu sa mai pot ierta,
Vreau sa merg pe drumul meu chiar daca`mi pare rau..

Ref:Cum esti tu,cum esti tu,cum esti tu..

Voi plange mereu si voi blestema,
Sa nu mai poti iubi pe altcineva
Si sa nu`ti mai gasesti linistea..

Chiar dac-o fi sa`mi pare
Tu nu ai meritat sufletul meu..
Am gresit,am tu si eu!

Nu`mi vine sa cred ce usor te`ai schimbat,
Nu`mi vine sa cred ce usor ai uitat,de clipele frumoase ce amandoi le`am petrecut..
O parte din vina stiu k am si eu,
Dar cat te`am iubit stie doar Dumnezeu..
Intoarce`te k fara tine e asa de greu.

Nu pot sa intorc clipele inapoi,
Nu o sa mai fim cum am fost amandoi..
E greu greseala ta s`o uit,s`o iau de la inceput..
Asa s`a`ntamplat sa ramana asa,
Nimic intre noi nu se poate schimba,
Imi pare rau de tot ce`a fost,candva iubïrea mea...

Intotdeauna se poate mai bine


Veteran member
366 mesaje

Re: Re: florin peste&diana-ochii nevazuti se ui

scris pe 8 mai 2007 16:59 de bebysa

De ce tu inima mi-ai frant
Eu am ajuns o frunza-n vant
Nu te-am uitat,te mai doresc
N-am incetat sa te iubesc. (bis)

Pe altcineva,acum iubesti
Dar spune-mi la mine te mai gandesti...

De cand e lumea facuta...
Ochii nevazuti se uita...
Si pe mine m-a uitat
Cineva ce mi-a fost drag. (bis)

Stiu ca de mult nu ne-am vazut
Dar sa ma uiti cum ai putut...
Caci fara mangaierea ta...
Ce rost mai are viata mea... (bis)

Pe altcineva,acum iubesti
Dar spune-mi la mine te mai gandesti...

De cand e lumea facuta...
Ochii nevazuti se uita...
Si pe mine m-a uitat
Cineva ce mi-a fost drag. (bis)

De ce tu inima mi-ai frant
Eu am ajuns o frunza-n vant
Nu te-am uitat,te mai doresc
N-am incetat sa te iubesc. (bis)

Pe altcineva,acum iubesti
Dar spune-mi la mine te mai gandesti...

De cand e lumea facuta...
Ochii nevazuti se uita...
Si pe mine m-a uitat
Cineva ce mi-a fost drag. (bïs)

Intotdeauna se poate mai bine


Veteran member
366 mesaje

florin salam-fara dragostea ta as muri

scris pe 8 mai 2007 17:01 de bebysa

ochii tai mi-ascund ceva
spune-mi ce iubirea mea
spune-mi ce mi-ascunzi iubirea mea
eu vad in privirea ta
ca tu ai pe altcineva
spune-mi cine e dragostea ta
eu fara dragostea ta as muri
eu fara iubirea ta eu nu as mai fi
eu fara dragostea ta as muri
eu fara iubirea ta n eu nu as mai fi
au trecut anii fara rost
tu vrei sa stergi ce a fost frumos
tu vrei sa stergi ce a fost frumos
si cat de greu imi este acum
dar nu mi-am ales alt drum
si te iubesc de parca as fï nebun

Intotdeauna se poate mai bine


Veteran member
366 mesaje

poza ta

scris pe 8 mai 2007 17:07 de bebysa

Versuri "Nicolae Guta - Poza ta"
zi de zi ma gandesc
si privesc
la poza cea ramas
doar atat mi-ai lasat
si ai plecat
la celalat barbat
nu mai vreau sa te impart
eu nu mai vreau.....

poza ta imi face rau
d c nu pot fi doar al tau
dragoste plang privesc si imi amintesc....
doamne cat pot s-o iubesc....

poza ta imi face rau
d c nu pot fi doar al tau
dragoste plang privesc si imi amintesc...
doamne cat pot s-o iubesc...

ceas de ceas al tau glas il aud
in mintea mea
sa renunt nu m-am gandit
d ce eu nu m-am oprit la timp
nu mai vreau sa te impart
eu nu mai vreau........

poza ta imi face rau
d c nu pot fi doar al tau
dragoste plang privesc si imi amintesc...
doamne cat pot s-o iubesc....

poza ta imi face rau
d c nu pot fi doar al tau
dragoste plang privesc si imi amintesc...
doamne cat pot s-o iubesc....

poza ta imi face rau
d c nu pot fi doar al tau
dragoste plang privesc si imi amintesc...
doamne cat pot s-o ïubesc...

Intotdeauna se poate mai bine


Expert member
1927 mesaje


scris pe 9 mai 2007 22:57 de stefanoski

Vali & Rossy



scris pe 11 mai 2007 19:14 de Vali & Rossy

Dont Matter lyrics by Akon.

"don't matter"

Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you babe
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you babe
Cause we gon' fight
Oh yes we gon' fight(We gon' fight)
Believe we gon' fight(We gon' fight)

Fight for our right to love yeah
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you

Nobody wanna see us together
Nobody thought we'd last forever
I feel I'm hopin' and prayin'
Things between us gon' get better
Men steady comin' after you
Women steady comin' after me
Seem like everybody wanna go for self
And don't wanna respect boundaries
Tellin' you all those lies
Just to get on your side
But I must admit there was a couple secrets
I held inside
But just know that I tried
To always apologize
And I'ma have you first always in my heart
To keep you satisfied
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you babe
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you babe
Cause we gon' fight
Oh yes we gon' fight(We gon' fight)
Believe we gon' fight(We gon' fight)

Fight for our right to love yeah
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you
Got every right to wanna leave
Got every right to wanna go
Got every right to hit the road
And never talk to me no more
You don't even have to call
Even check for me at all
[ these lyrics found on ]
Because the way I been actin' lately
Has been off the wall
Especially towards you
Puttin' girls before you
And they watchin' everything I been doin'
Just to hurt you
Most of it just ain't true(Ain't true)
And they won't show you
How much of a queen you are to me
And why I love you baby

Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you babe
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you babe
Cause we gon' fight
Oh yes we gon' fight(We gon' fight)
Believe we gon' fight(We gon' fight)

Fight for our right to love yeah
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you

Oh oh oh oh oh
Cause I got you
Cause I got you
Cause I got you babe
Cause I got you

Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you babe
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you babe
Cause we gon' fight
Oh yes we gon' fight(We gon' fight)
Believe we gon' fight(We gon' fight)

Fight for our right to love yeah
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you babe
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you babe
Cause we gon' fight
Oh yes we gon' fight(We gon' fight)
Believe we gon' fight(We gon' fight)

Fight for our right to love yeah
Nobody wanna see us together
But it don't matter no
Cause I got you babe...


Expert member
520 mesaje

Re: :P

scris pe 18 mai 2007 17:26 de the_gogu

am si eu o intrebare, in afara de mai exista si alt site cu versuri ca am vreo 5-6 melodii la care nu le gasesc versurile, sau trebuie sa stau sa le fac yo singur da` mi-e lene...


Expert member
520 mesaje

Re: Re: :P

scris pe 29 mai 2007 11:43 de the_gogu

Spike feat. Cheloo-Bizar

Strofa Cheloo

Salut frigidelor m-am intros
Ce pu*a mea toate sunt pe dos
Cocoshatelor dati burta jos
Raman acelasi porc prietenos
Cu un limbaj gretos
Va imping pilaful pana in gat raman periculos
Travestitilor feriti-va sunt homofob
Va sparg in bot Ultimul model de Cockteil molotov
E bizar toti parca vor sa ma asculte
Sunt directorul departamentului de insulte
Orice zdreantza zlo*o*ita intretinuta in pampon
Sta relaxata in pat ca un ca*at in tifon
Ai lovele curv*le vor sa-ti vindece pareza
Sa-ti faca freza, aa-ti suga proteza
E bizar cum o ardem noi din club in club din bar in bar
Golim paharul ca sa-l umplem iar
Trecem peste aritificiul liric si va zic
Ca io sunt perfect normal


E HipHop murdar suna bizar
100% Exclusiv pentru cine asculta
E genu teribil si limbajul vulgar
Ce se transmite exclusiv pe lungimea ta de unda

Strofa Spike:

Am fost exclus / se pare ca nu incerc indeajuns
Zici ca raul se dezlantzuie! E prea putin spus!
Descoperi un cuvant din 5 litere la rebuz:
2-0 CM Atentie! Spike a fost expus.
Prezint primul isteric sub o alta forma
Ultima voce aparuta in domeiu: Adica tot YO BA!
Pus in orice club, se striga dupa ajutor
Pai ca sa agit spiritele, mai intai tre sa va omor!
Transmitem in orice bodega club sau casa
Asta nu e auditie placuta e distrugere in masa
Pastreaza distanta ca vin dintr-un mediu periferic
SI daca aprinzi lumina cu mine in casa: se face intuneric!
Cad misterios din cer! Intreaba: Ce vreau oare?
Fa-te ca nu vezi tzoale largi si auzi cuvinte vulgare... Nuuuuuu
Noi suntem pasnici, noi avem o cale
Da! Si la petreceri dam volum in cutiutze muzicale! Auzi ce crezi?
Cad boxele pe tine cand dansezi, Deranjezi
Noi coletivu iti cerem sa te distrezi
Avem pi*de dotate sa bage lumea in boala
Mai rau ca boala vacii nebune si gripa aviara
Deci, Hai fa pe papusha cu mine sa te bag in stare
Te scot la plimbare pana transpiri... te scot din tzloale
O ardem romantic noapta in parc sub luna plina
Pana imi cresc coarne par pe corp si ma transform in... Ma-ta
Genial! Excludem comportamentul teribil
Pana castig incredearea tutror ca-s inofensiv
Momenta vreau batai din palme ca doar am ajuns
SI asta nu inseamna ca sunt bun! Inseamna ca sunt unu ïn plus.

Refren x 2


Expert member
520 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: :P

scris pe 29 mai 2007 11:46 de the_gogu

Ombladon feat. Guess Who - Noapte buna Bucuresti

Tu nu vezi, daca inchizi ochii te pierzi
Totul se schimba-n jurul tau pana apuci sa te-asezi
Si vezi, ca prin viata asta doar o data treci
Deci pe unde mergi profita pana pleci (x2)

Oameni saraci ce-au incetat sa spere
Gropi in asfalt, blocuri intregi de garsoniere
Totu-i de (???) ciudat care te ineaca incet
Mai coloreaza decorul bagabontii din colt
In rest gratii la geam, bodegi jegoase si baruri
Tarfe jucate si pierdute la zaruri
Miroase-a saracie si foame in continuare
Pustanii isi baga-n vene bine-ascunsi dupa betoane
E un lux sa ai unde sa stai si-o stii
Multe familii sarace toarna copii ca prostii
Si continua goana dupa lei
Batrani pagani tarasc sticla de rom spurcat dupa ei
Ei sunt cei ce vor sa-ncerce, amarul sa inece
Timpul le trece, fireste , te lasa rece
Tramvaiele jegoase se retrag in noapte
Deci luminile s-au stins...Noapte Buna Bucuresti!

Refren (x2)

In colturi de blocuri: drogati, seringi, gunoaie
Copii jegosi, batrani uzati de timp, s-aprind lumini...bling-bling
Surprind copii cersind
Masini furate care se dau la preturi de nimic
E ca in ring, tre' sa stai in garda,
Garda-i gata sa te arda
E caz de targa daca te toarna cu iarba
E oarba justitia, e oarba politia,
E oarba orice privire ce nu vrea sa vada ca in graba
In Bucuresti totul dispare (Cum oare?)
Atentie la buzunare si la alarma din parcare
Blocurile murdare azi sunt singura scapare
Sa nu sfarsesti in strada calcat de altii in picioare
Sunt cartiere intregi din care nu mai poti sa iesi
Cand pleci esti in p##a goala, cu banii luati si ochii reci
Deci, ai grija unde mergi, sa te feresti
Micul Paris s-a stins...Noapte Buna Bucuresti!

Refren (x4)

Tu nu vezi...
Tu nu vezï...


Expert member
520 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: :P

scris pe 2 iun 2007 19:13 de the_gogu

Ombladon,Cheloo si Freakadadisk-Trei Agenti

Ba,ba! Uite-un agent.
Ba,ba! Uite inca-un agent.
2 agenti si-un Logan,
Tireaza si tu iarba aia undeva…de preferat in piept.
2007! Aha! Stau la umbra plantei mele cu joi*tu-n buze,
Fascinat de cerul instelat, ppphhbbb, ah, scuze!
De mic am avut probleme mari cu bautura
Si n-am supt de la tata ca mi se scula p*la
La usa-i garda, ascund i*rba bine…Deschide, fa, usa ca te cauta pe tine!
Alerg prin balarii, printre copii, de rup asfaltu’,
Alerg ca dr*cu’ sa nu dau iar cu “Subsemnatul”.
S-a-ntors tot cu c*ru-n sus, nu e normal,
Sa n-ai voie iarba, dar se te f*ti in c*r, legal?!
Campanie anti-drog pe televizor,
Mai bine invatati copii ca n-are p*zda Elton John.
Sunt campion la 100 de joint-uri-iarba,
Striga burtosii in urma mea,incep sa fiarba.
Stai pe loc!
Ma intorc spre ei cu iarba-n punga,
Ei se uita ca pr*stii ca Mutu la Piturca.
Cu fiola-n bot cu buzunarele pe-afara
Ma inghesuie trei agenti de la a 7-a-n scara.

Refren: x2
Pun mainile la ceafa, scot ce-am in buzunare,
Numai, nu mai da cu p*lanul din dotare,
Sunt consumator, ma intelegi precis,
Daca nu cumva, esti m*ist domn politist.

Acest pahar cu apa,frate,pare mult prea diluat,
Mi-e frica ca ma-ntep la bani si nu ma ia de cap,
Vrei sa vezi ce pot sa fac,
N-ai timp de pierdut,
Umflam gonflabila cu spuma din gat in timp ce-o f*t,
Dusmanii mei sa castige cat castiga tata,
Si sa gandeasca cat copii de bani gata,
Politistii nu ard drogurile, dragi copii,
Sunt de parere ca le topesc sa va faca jucarii,
Mos Craciun le-aduce ascunse-n c*r, dar ce conteaza?
Asteptati sub brad cand curenteaza ca va faceti varza
Fiti pe faza ca intr-o suta de ani voi sta
La muzeul de ceara sa-mi fumez eternitatea, in p*la mea,
Politia ma apreciaza,da, ca sunt baiat si sar beat prin parbriz, nu’s un c*cat,
Suflu-n fiola fericit, va dau asigurarea,
Farmecul meu personal imi poate mari incadrarea?

Refren: x2
Pun mainile la ceafa, scot ce-am in buzunare,
Numai, nu mai da cu p*lanul din dotare,
Sunt consumator, ma intelegi precis,
Daca nu cumva, esti m*ist domn politist.

Te-am prins!
Mama, vrea sa ma bata! Nu da! Nu da! Nu da!
Ce-ai acolo?
Ce-am acolo?
Ce-ai acolo?
Ce-am aicea?
Ce-ai acolo?
Ce-am acolo?
Ba droghistule! Te-am prins!
Mama, vrea sa ma bata! Nu da! Nu da! Nu da!
Ce-ai acolo?
Ce-am acolo?
Ce-ai acolo?
Ce-am aicea?
Ce-ai acolo?
Ce-am acolo?
Ba droghistule! Pai cu de-astea imi umbli tu? Ce-ai acolo? Ce-i asta?
Ce-am aïcea?!

Nu sunt beat, sunt tras, nu sunt tras, sunt treaz, nu sunt treaz, sunt tras…


Expert member
1927 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: :P

scris pe 3 iun 2007 11:47 de stefanoski

Este : mama garcea ma bate !!


Expert member
520 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: :P

scris pe 5 iun 2007 19:44 de the_gogu

ombladon-ultimul tren

Dupa o noapte rece, cu cer fara stele,
Urmeaza prima zi, din restul vietii mele
Lacrimile tale grele ce se cern prin gene
Imi cer parca sa raman, dar nu mai am vreme
Am sa plec o vreme, o sa ma`ntorc, nu te teme,
N`am sa uit ca sangele tau imi curge`n vene
Am crescut ca multi altii intr`un bloc murdar,
Langa un calorifer rece, cu ochii pe contuar,
Toate trec, asa se spune,
Dar nimic nu trece fara sa lase urme, pe bune
Fa bine, alege`ti din timp drumul,
Timpul se scurge printre degete, strange pumnul
Totusi sper, sa fiu liber cer
Nu vreau sa mai vad acelasi raft gol in frigider,
E ultimul meu tren, sti ca il astept de mult
Iti promit de pe acum, jur, c`o sa te sun

Ref: Acum plec, trag usa dupa mine
Abia astept, sa ne vedem cu bine
Pasesc incet, in roua diminetii
Fara bilet stau ascuns in trenul vietii X2

E ciudat sa spun asta, e nedrept ca plec,
Dar e dreptul meu sa`mi fac un rost,
Sa`ncerc, s`aleg un drum mai bun,
Am mai gresit, nu neg,
Aici n`ai cu ce sa te`alegi, sper ca ma`ntelegi,
E o tara de c**** , scuza`mi limbajul
Dar si astia ca si comunistii ne`au dat dreacu
Acum toti si`au ridicat vile
Si omul de rand se lupta ptr banii de`ntretinere
Cu zilele, nu vreau sa ma obisnuiesc cu asta
De ce isi bat joc de viata mea, imi dau ei alta?
Confort nu, bani nu, sperante mici
Am enspe mii de motive sa zbor de`aici, ce zici?
Aici simtim ca o povara grea de mici,
Acea mana`n spate ce nu te lasa sa te ridici
Sti ca am putini prieteni, dar ii am de`o viata
Spune`le, te rog, si lor c`o sa`mi lïpseasca

Ref X2


Imi tarasc bocancii grei prin nisip si praf
Amuzat,distrat k Basescu prin Irak
Cu ochii in patru p-un perete am desenat
o p**a si dedesubtul ei am scris senat.
domnule vreti sa ma dobarati
pana atunci in mortii matii o sa ma asculti.
mi se rupe inima cand vad oameni amarati
si p**la cand politicieni corupti,omorati
in miezul noptii vagabontii va zguduie
cu texte sacadate care va trag la m**e
gata sa pierd controlul cu bata
iti vandalizez mercedesul si pe fita
ati plamat hip-hop-ul de-atatea dati
uiteti k muzica asta prosta schimba mentalitati
cu ceausescu atarnat pe perete
esti un retard ce se gaseste in piesele lui pepe
inchide-ti termopanul,unde te-ascunzi?
ca-m sa ridic volumul si tot o sa m-auzi ca:

Refren:Muzica asta iti zguduie peretii
Din noapte asta
Pana la sfarsitul vietii
Ascult-o p’asta in gatu matii
Da-te-n s***** ,in p**a mea,in mortii matii (2x)

Arzi de nerabdare sa dispar cand apar
daca arzi de nerabdare,arzi de tot macar
ai comportament ostil de p***a
o parte dintre noi,adik voi e m**sta
noi,facem haz de necaz,viatza e grea
batem la usi cu sorcova,guvernul cu
voi,sunteti inmarmuriti peste masura
k am tupeu sa f*t atata lumea in gura
sar,din gura in gura ca microbul ratacit
daca aviara dadea-n ciori,dormeam linistit
fara gabori si politicieni corupti
fara tine cel ce te prefaci ca nu ne-asculti
fara oameni tristi ce-i plang pe comunisti
fara ca atunci cand zici ceva sa te risti
fara sa ramai fara bani,in fine
fara toate astea,crede-ma chiar am traii bïne

Refren (2x)




Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: :P

scris pe 7 iul 2007 10:39 de xxx

James Brown - It's a man's man's man's world

Nice song....


Expert member
1038 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: :P

scris pe 7 iul 2007 17:10 de katherine

James Brown - It's a man's man's man's world

...but it would be nothing without a woman (Vaya con Dios parca, dar s-ar putea sa gresesc).

Water is my eye
Most faithful mirror
Fearless on my breath
Teardrop on the fire of a confession
Fearless on my breath
Most faithful mirror
Fearless on my breath



Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: :P

scris pe 7 iul 2007 17:15 de xxx

...but it would be nothing without a woman (Vaya con Dios parca, dar s-ar putea sa gresesc).

precizeaza chestia asta si nenea nu se inseala cu nimic


Expert member
1038 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: :P

scris pe 7 iul 2007 17:47 de katherine

"Crazy, Sexy, Hypnotic" by Professional Losers - one of the sexiest songs out there...

Water is my eye
Most faithful mirror
Fearless on my breath
Teardrop on the fire of a confession
Fearless on my breath
Most faithful mirror
Fearless on my breath


Expert member
6465 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: :P

scris pe 7 iul 2007 17:53 de valentine

Te referi la original sau la mix?


Expert member
1038 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: :P

scris pe 7 iul 2007 17:54 de katherine

Te referi la original sau la mix?

Cui ii pasa? Didn't know there was a remix

Water is my eye
Most faithful mirror
Fearless on my breath
Teardrop on the fire of a confession
Fearless on my breath
Most faithful mirror
Fearless on my breath


Expert member
6465 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re

scris pe 7 iul 2007 17:57 de valentine

Misto originalul Dar iti trebuie sistem calumea ca sa poti savura melodia in niste vecini de treaba


Expert member
1038 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re

scris pe 7 iul 2007 17:59 de katherine

Misto originalul Dar iti trebuie sistem calumea ca sa poti savura melodia in niste vecini de treaba

Casti profesionale mai mari decat poate un pahar de - who needs 'em?

Water is my eye
Most faithful mirror
Fearless on my breath
Teardrop on the fire of a confession
Fearless on my breath
Most faithful mirror
Fearless on my breath


Expert member
6465 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re

scris pe 27 aug 2007 18:50 de valentine

Within Temptation - What have you done

Would you mind if I hurt you
Understand that I need to
Wish that I had other choices
Than to hurt the one I love

What have you done now?

I know I'd better stop trying
You know that there's no denying
I won't show mercy on you now

I know I should stop believing
I know that there's no retrieving
It's over now
What have you done?

What have you done now?

I, I've been waiting for someone like you
But now you are slipping away
What have you done now?
Why? Why does Fate make us suffer?
There's a curse between us
Between me and you

What have you done (x4)
What have you done now
What have you done (x4)
What have you done now

Would you mind if I killed you?
Would you mind if I tried to?

Cause you have turned into my worst enemy
You carry hate that I don't feel
It's over now
What have you done?

What have you done now?

I, I've been waiting for someone like you
But now you are slipping away
What have you done now?
Why? Why does Fate make us suffer?
There's a curse between us
Between me and you

What have you done (x4)
What have you done now
What have you done (x4)
What have you done now

I will not fall
Won't let it go
We will be free
When it ends

I, I've been waiting for someone like you
But now you are slipping away
What have you done now?
Why? Why does Fate make us suffer?
There's a curse between us
Between me and you

Within Temptation - Memories

In this world you tried
Not leaving me alone behind
There's no other way
I'll pray to the gods let him stay
The memories ease the pain inside,
Now I know why

All of my memories keep you near
In silent moments
Imagine you'd be here.
All of my memories keep you near,
Your silent whispers, silent tears

Made me promise I'd try
To find my way back in this life
I hope there is a way
To give me a sign you're okay
Reminds me again it's worth it all
So I can go home

All of my memories keep you near
In silent moments
Imagine you'd be here
All of my memories keep you near
Your silent whispers, silent tears

Together in all these memories
I see your smile
All of the memories I hold dear
Darling, you know I'll love you
till the end of time

All of my memories keep you near
In silent moments,
Imagine you'd be here
All of my memories keep you near,
Your silent whispers, silent tears

All of my memories...

Senzationale melodii si senzationala cantareata (seamana cu Monica Bellucci).Testati-le cu video daca se poate (in special Memories).


Expert member
1038 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re

scris pe 12 sep 2007 15:49 de katherine

Atb. feat. Heather Nova - Renegade

Take care, cause I'm commin' in
I see my shadow and I don't know when
I'm alive with you
And it feels so true

We don't need shelter on this sky
Bring back the storms that made us high
I'm alive with you

Baby, I'm a renegade like you
Baby, I'm searchin' too
Been around the world
Now I'm running back to you

Baby, I'm a renegade like you
Baby, I'm hurtin' too
Been around the world
Now I'm running back to you

Sweetheart, this world, it makes no sense
No pot of gold, no innocence
I'm alive with you

We don't need shelter on this sky
Bring back the storms that made us high
But we're alive

Baby, I'm a renegade like you
Baby, I'm searchin' too
Been around the world
Now I'm running back to you

Baby, I'm a renegade like you
Baby, I'm hurtin' too
Been around the world
Now I'm running back to you

Run with me, we'll take it all together
Run with me, cause you're the one I need
Run with me, cause we won't live forever
Run with me
With me

Baby, I'm a renegade
Baby, I'm a renegade
Baby, I'm a renegade like you

Run with me, we'll take it all together
Run with me, cause you're the one I need
Run with me, cause we won't live forever
Run with me
With me

Baby, I'm a renegade like you
Baby, I'm searchin' too
Been around the world
Now I'm running back to you

Baby, I'm a renegade like you
Baby, I'm hurtin' too
Been around the world
Now I'm running back to you

Run with me, we'll take it all together
Run with me, cause you're the one I need
Run with me, cause we won't live forever
Run with me
With me

Baby, I'm a renegade
Baby, I'm a renegade
Baby, I'm a renegade like you...

Water is my eye
Most faithful mirror
Fearless on my breath
Teardrop on the fire of a confession
Fearless on my breath
Most faithful mirror
Fearless on my breath


Expert member
1038 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re

scris pe 15 sep 2007 17:26 de katherine

Saliva - Rest in pieces

Look at me, my depth perception must be off again
Cause this hurts deeper than I thought it did
It has not healed with time
It just shot down my spine
You look so beautiful tonight
Reminds me how you laid us down
And gently smiled before you destroyed my life

Would you find it in your heart
To make this go away
And let me rest in pieces
(let me rest in pieces)
Would you find it in your heart
To make this go away
And let me rest in pieces
(let me rest in pieces)

Look at me, my depth perception must be off again
You got much closer than I thought you did
I'm in your reach
You held me in your hands

Would you find it in your heart
To make this go away
And let me rest in pieces
(let me rest in pieces)
Would you find it in your heart
To make this go away
And let me rest in pieces
(let me rest in pieces)

Would you find it in your heart
To make this go away
And let me rest in pieces
Would you find it in your heart
To make this go away
and let me rest in pieces

would you find it in your heart
to make this go away
And let me rest in pieces
(and let me rest in peices)
would you find it in your heart
and let me rest in pieces

would you find it in your heart
would you let me rest in pieces

would you find it in your heart
would you let me rest in pieces

would you find it in your heart
would you let me rest in pieces

Water is my eye
Most faithful mirror
Fearless on my breath
Teardrop on the fire of a confession
Fearless on my breath
Most faithful mirror
Fearless on my breath


Veteran member
241 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re

scris pe 15 sep 2007 17:59 de Radamant_the_Roman

Dna Katherina sau cum o fi pronuntia in maghiara ati ascultat prea mult Touch & Go. De aceea va inchipuiti mereu ca veti dansa usa un Tango in Harlem.

Try to be yourself or die trying


Expert member
1038 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re

scris pe 16 sep 2007 18:22 de katherine

Dna Katherina sau cum o fi pronuntia in maghiara ati ascultat prea mult Touch & Go. De aceea va inchipuiti mereu ca veti dansa usa un Tango in Harlem.

You never could get it
Unless you were fed it
Echoes of angels who won't return...

Water is my eye
Most faithful mirror
Fearless on my breath
Teardrop on the fire of a confession
Fearless on my breath
Most faithful mirror
Fearless on my breath


Expert member
1038 mesaje

Paul Oakenfold feat. Brittany Murphy - Faster Kill

scris pe 19 sep 2007 14:37 de katherine

Faster kill faster still pussycat
I can't stand to see you cry
Honey you know where the world is at
Get what you want with your lucky eyes

You turn me on (yeah you turn me, yeah you turn me on)
You turn me on (yeah you turn me, yeah you turn me on)

Better wake up this sleepy head
Big old world pass us by
Some many things we could do instead
Get what you want with your lucky eyes

Faster kill faster still pussy
Those high heels are not your friends
Honey you know where the world is at
Come on with me when the party ends

You turn me on (yeah you turn me, yeah you turn me on)
You turn me on (yeah you turn me, yeah you turn me on)
You turn me on (yeah you turn me, yeah you turn me on)
You turn me on (yeah you turn me, yeah you turn me on)


Heaven knows I tried to let you go
I can't help myself, you know I'm out of control
Heaven knows I tried to let you go
I can't help myself, I think I'm losing control

You turn me on (yeah you turn me, yeah you turn me on)
You turn me on (yeah you turn me, yeah you turn me on)
You turn me on (yeah you turn me, yeah you turn me on)
You turn me on (yeah you turn me, yeah you turn me on)

Water is my eye
Most faithful mirror
Fearless on my breath
Teardrop on the fire of a confession
Fearless on my breath
Most faithful mirror
Fearless on my breath


Expert member
6465 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re

scris pe 20 sep 2007 21:26 de valentine

Dna Katherina sau cum o fi pronuntia in maghiara ati ascultat prea mult Touch & Go. De aceea va inchipuiti mereu ca veti dansa usa un Tango in Harlem.

Nu mai face off-topic ca iti sterg


Expert member
6465 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re

scris pe 20 sep 2007 21:27 de valentine

Ida Carr - Let me think about it(varianta aia care are si video e de kk). Tare negresa


Expert member
1038 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re

scris pe 23 sep 2007 17:24 de katherine

Tiesto feat. BT - Break my fall

Water is my eye
Most faithful mirror
Fearless on my breath
Teardrop on the fire of a confession
Fearless on my breath
Most faithful mirror
Fearless on my breath


6 mesaje

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re

scris pe 4 oct 2007 19:54 de wanabeee

Modern Talking - Cheri Cheri Lady
Modern Talking - Do you wanna
Modern Talking - Fly to the moon
Modern Talking - I'll never fall in love again
Modern Talking - My cadillac
Modern Talking - Sexy Sexy Lover
Modern Talking - Words dont come easy
Modern Talking - You're My Heart, You're My Soul
Modern Talking Feat. Eric Singleton-Brother Loui '98
_ _ _ _ _ _

Morandi -A la lujeba
Morandi -Beijo(uH La La)
Morandi -Falling asleep
Morandi -Love me

_ _ _ _ _ _

Activ -Doar cu tine
Activ -Liberty Parade
Activ -Lucruri Simple
Activ -Reasons
Activ -Superstar
Activ -Without you
Activ -Zile cu tine
Activ&Dj optik -Music is drivin me crazy

Niciodata nu spune niciodata.
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